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还会沮丧消沉We get depressed.

别让我消沉。Donnot let me down.

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但是它正在消沉吗?But is it sinking in?

怯弱是通向消沉的桥。Timidity is the bridge to dejection.

职业消沉并非突然发生。Career slumps don't happen overnight.

天天有个新爱好,你就不会陷入消沉情绪。A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.

进而它会引起消沉感和劳累感。Then it causes depression and fatigue.

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他比以前更少说话,更加消沉。He said less and drooped more than ever.

我矢言我绝不会再让你消沉。I swear I'll never fail you in the future.

这些天来,义乌市情绪消沉。These days, the mood in Yiwu is depressed.

懒惰是催生消沉和自怜自哀的土壤。Idless is the sail of self-pity and depression.

不奢靡,不消沉,不堕落。Not extravagant, not depressed, not degenerate.

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乳白色的孔雀幽灵般消沉。Now droops the milk white peacock like a ghost.

开始意志消沉,并可能变成永久性的。Demoralization sets in and can become permanent.

你若是感觉消沉抑郁,告诉别人。If you think you may be depressed, tell someone.

频繁的批评足以使任何人意志消沉。Constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody.

研究表明它与意气消沉也有关系。The study suggests it is also linked to depression.

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你消沉的自信心将击垮你,限制你。Your low self-confidence will limit and paralyze you.

库图佐夫的面容越来越焦虑消沉。Kutuzov's face grew more and more careworn and gloomy.

与快乐的人为友,心怀不满的人会让你消沉。Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.