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恶语比利剑更伤人。Words cut more than swords.

恶语有时伤人比刀剑更厉害。Sometimes words hurt more than swords.

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他没受那些恶言恶语的干扰。He wasn't disturbed by the wicked words.

你用那样恶语伤人太不合适了!It does not become you to use insulting words like that!

面对恶言恶语,也是一种修行。Enduring verbal abuse is also a kind of spiritual practice.

只可回应你老板所责骂的事,而不回应他的恶言恶语。Respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the curses.

即使上官申斥,亦宜出之以严肃,而不应恶语伤人。Even reproofs from authority, ought to be grave, and not taunting.

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协议仍存可能,只是双方已经开始恶语相向。A deal is still possible, but the sides have come to loathe each other.

在盛怒下保持冷静只可回应你老板所责骂的事,而不回应他的恶言恶语。STAY COOL UNDER FIRE Respond to the content of your boss's tirade, not the curses.

吉雅莎故意对莱西恶言恶语,对娜诺却关爱有加,进一步加深两人的矛盾。JiYaSha deliberately to lacy nasty, to her, but love, to further deepen the two contradictions.

不管怎么说,一起想办法解决问题总比恶语伤人更能让你心平气和。In the end, coming to a solution together will make you feel better than unleashing hurtful words.

尤其当你预见到他将会对你恶语相向时,你必须事先想好回敬他的措辞。Especially when you foresee that he will speak evilly to you, you must think out the expression to retaliate him.

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而且,曾有些客户遇到麻烦,或对Voice.com提出投诉,此人却恶语相向。This particular employee also made disparaging remarks about customers who had problems or complaints.

在周六共和党和民主党恶语相向以后,协议浮出水面。The deal emerged late on Saturday after fractious public exchanges earlier in the day between Republicans and Democrats.

告诉他你很喜欢他家人的照片和轶事。但是你觉得那些恶言恶语是多余的。Tell him you enjoy the news and pictures of the family, but you think the nasty comments about the folks are unnecessary.

在这部电影中,他们饰演了一对夫妻,两人整晚都在恶语相向,使他们的客人们既感惊恐又感迷惑。In the movie they play a couple who spend the evening trading vicious barbs to the horror and fascination of their guests.

希特勒成功的用填鸭式的方法使受过教育的国民接受了反犹太梦想,当时任何十岁孩童都能对犹太人口出恶语。He successfully spoon-fed an educated nation vile anti-Jewish fantasies that should have been spat out by any ten-year-old.

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上周的媒体也让此事浮出水面,但是这却遭到了温格和球员本人的反对,并且致使温格对米兰恶语相向。These reports surfaced last week, but were dismissed by both the player and Arsene Wenger, who had some harsh words for Milan.

在这些号召的过程中,金博士的家庭遭受了许多,恶语相加,夜晚威胁,甚至房子被炸。In that calling, Dr. King's family was subjected to vicious words, threatening calls in the night, and a bombing at their house.

每当来世勤受了气就对吕母恶言恶语,把怒火都发泄在吕母的身上,甚至对吕母拳打脚踢。Whenever the afterlife frequently by air to lu mother nasty, all the anger out on lu mother of, even for lu mother kicks and blows.