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陈伯一本正经道。Chen Bai is priggish path.

她们矫揉造作,一本正经还撅着嘴。They mince and prim and pout.

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要保持一种办现公事时一本正经的神态。Keep a Poker face in business situations.

即使对方知道这一点,也会一本正经地点头同意。Even the ones who understand may nod sagely.

过于闪亮显得太一本正经了。There is a humourlessness to too much sheen.

两个一本正经的老处女安静地坐在一起。Two prim spinsters are sitting together quietly.

从自由不羁到一本正经,这样的转变实在是太彻底了。The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.

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麦格又那么一本正经,我们对面穿过都不让我跟他搭腔。Meg is so prim she won't let me speak to him when we pass.

“这怎么收费,柯利巴?”她突然一本正经的问道。"What is your fee, Koriba?" she asked, suddenly businesslike.

穿上一套细条纹西装后,他马上就显得一本正经起来。In a pinstriped suit he instantly looked like a stuffed shirt.

他们太一本正经,太学究气,想象力也不够丰富。They are too serious, too academic and not imaginative enough.

“我告诉你,”他一本正经地说,他最爱自夸的话是什么吧。I will tell you, he said solemnly , what is his proudest boast.

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他们的脸上是空白和一本正经的样子,还是有一种狞笑?Is their face blank and matter-of-fact, or does it have a smirk?

“请别怪我这位房东”老太太一本正经地说。"You will excuse my landlord, " said the old lady with a dignified air.

Michael一本正经地回答说在A区还是有几个正直的人的。Michael solemnly replies that there are a few decent men down in A-Wing.

喝咖啡的时候,我向凯文说了我的梦,还一本正经地引用了韦伯的话。Over coffee I tell Kevin about my dream quoting Webb with fitting gravitas.

然后,忽而又一本正经,她盯住冉阿让又说And, becoming suddenly serious, she gazed intently at Jean Valjean and added

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当局以一贯一本正经的行事风格对待这次异想天开之旅。The authorities took their usual humorless approach to this flight of fancy.

在他们一本正经的体面外表下,满肚子的邪恶和情欲。Under their stagnant respectability are whirlpools of evil and erotic passion.

珂赛特一本正经地往前走,她睁开一双大眼睛望着天空。Cosette walked along gravely, with her large eyes wide open, and gazing at the sky.