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她三天两头往肉铺里跑什么?She three day does 2 go toward to run what in butcher shop?

我们三天两头旅行,每天要供应几百份饭。We live out of suitcases, and we serve hundreds of meals each day.

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三天两头的,就能看到妈妈领着孩子忙着给菜地浇水。Almost every day I can see mothers making children water the crops.

孩子三天两头的生病,我就隔三差五的往医院里跑。The sick child every two or three days, I often run to the hospital.

所以现在要好好适应下,不然的话,三天两头感冒真的很难受!So be good friends with a good orientation now bottom, otherwise, three day two a cold is really suffered!

有段时间跟约翰总是三天两头就闹分手,于是我们决定只偶尔见见面。In the days when John and I used to break up all the time, we made a decision to see each other only casually.

与此同时,米奇集中精力将自己的身体调整至最佳状态,不去理睬哥哥那边三天两头上演的好戏。Micky, meanwhile, concentrates on getting into top physical shape despite all the drama surrounding his older brother.

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平时,丽萍还三天两头打电话,嘱咐他们吃好,喝好,定期去医院检查身体。At ordinary times, my wife also call two days and gave them to eat and to drink good, good, go to a hospital checking regularly.

济南宝马专修的专员介绍有不少车友三天两头的就往美容店跑,更有甚者一天洗一次车。Ji'nan BMW special commissioner has introduced many riders to the beauty shop run every two or three days, even the car washed once a day.

贸易摩擦上,美国方面以工会组织为代表总是三天两头地对中国一些物美价廉的商品进行“双反”,比较脍炙人口的包括纺织品、钢铁、轮胎。On trade disputes, US represented by worker unions file anti-dumping and anti-subsidy on Made- in-China products such as Textiles, steel, tyres.

经常失眠,胃纳欠佳,憔悴,且时有精神恍惚现象,连脾气都变了,三天两头发火。Often insomnia, gastric accept owes beautiful, gaunt, and from time to tome absentminded phenomenon, changed even disposition, get angry almost everyday.

昨天下午,王先生跟“社区大管家”反映,最近,有个30多岁的男子,三天两头跑到他们院里找小孩。Wang with "the community majordomo " the reflection, recently, had over 30 year-old man, runs up to their courtyard to look for the child every other day.

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史密斯先生」要求洁茹每个月写一封信,但是洁茹三天两头就想写一封给长腿叔叔。John Smith" had originally only requested that Jerusha write a letter once a month, but Jerusha had written a letter once every few days to Daddy-Long-Legs."

一见钟情爱上你,二话不说抱住你,三天两头来找你,四下无人亲亲你,五天之内娶到你,六十年内不分离!Fall in love with you, hug you without demur, every two or three days to come to you, four no kiss you marry to you within five days, not separate for sixty years!

我在地区联盟队里踢球,球场解说员可乐了,三天两头说‘哈利·波特给对手施了个魔咒’啥啥的。‘I play a lot of football as well in a local league, and the matchreports are always full of puns – ‘Harry Potter cast a spell on the opposition and that kind of thing.’

据知情人介绍,佳佳出院两三年后,三天两头感冒发烧、患肺炎、还患上肺结核、乙肝。According to insiders introduction, Jia Jia was discharged after two or three years, every few days with a fever, suffering from pneumonia, was also suffering from tuberculosis, hepatitis B.