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承租人在山坡地种香菇。Tenant farmers grow mushrooms on the hillsides.

另外三间卧室都在步出式的楼下一层,那里建在这处房产的山坡地段。Three additional bedrooms are on the walkout lower level, built into the property's slope.

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在山坡地建屋,必须先做好水土保持。Proper soil and water conservation measures are a prerequisite for building on mountainsides.

烟打击向东从山坡地在加拿大的落基山脉附近的班夫和坎莫尔。Smoke blows eastward from a mountain slope in Canada's Rocky Mountains near Banff and Canmore.

波尔多一级山坡地红酒强烈而色深,其中的一些非常出色。The red wines of Premières Côtes de Bordeaux are colorful and strong. Some of them are excellent.

铁路地界以内的山坡地由铁路运输企业进行整治。Hill slopes within the railway line's right-of-way shall be conditioned by the railway transport enterprise.

罗纳河谷山坡地村庄里采收的葡萄在生长过程中渐渐地带有灌木丛和块菌的香味。For the Cotes du Rhone villages and the vintages it evolves over time into flavors of undergrowth and truffle.

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假如果园面积很大或是起伏的山坡地,可贯通果园中心立一行测标线,或将土地分开并分别立桩。If the fruits field is large or hilly, run a stake line across the center or divide the field and stake separately.

分析结果建议山坡地地区宜推广长短结合、高矮相配的立体种植模式。It is suggested that stereo-farming models with early-and late-fruiting, and tall and shortcrope be adopted on hillsides.

桶上都有CDR的品牌标记,表明这些是产自著名的“罗纳河谷山坡地”的葡萄酒。They are all branded with the mark "CDR" that certifies that the wine is indeed from the famous "Cote du Rhone" vineyards.

北约地下战略指挥中心设在挪威距奥斯陆不远的一处山坡地下深处的掩蔽部里。NATO's strategic command center is located underground in Norway, not far from Oslo, under a deep raid shelter in the hillside.

行政院农委会水土保持局,致力于台湾山坡地保育以及灾害防治的工作,近半个世纪。T he Soil and Water Conservation Bureau has devoted itself to conserving slopeland and preventing disasters for half a century.

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分析了黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区山坡地土壤侵蚀的特征及土壤侵蚀对土地生产力的影响。The soil erosion characters of slope land and its effects on land productivity wereanalyzed in first Sub-region of Loess Plateau.

罗纳河谷山坡地红葡萄酒散发出樱桃、黑加仑、树莓、甘草、肉桂的芬芳。The red Cotes du Rhone wines exude fragrances of cherry, blackcurrant, raspberry, a touch of liquorices and even a hint of cinnamon.

为了大幅度地减少土壤损失,农民正在山坡地上修梯田,轮种庄稼并采用新的耕作方法。Concerned farmers are building terraces on hilly fields, rotating their crops, and using new plowing methods to cut soil losses significantly.

在山坡地条件下,对兰州百合进行了等高垄作及渗水地膜覆盖栽培技术试验。A sloping field experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of contour planting and plastic film mulching on yield of Lilium dnvidii var.

加强山坡地施工品质,并设有专责人员全程监控,避免在施工中造成严重土壤流失。Close monitoring of structural work on slope land should maintain good quality standard and avoid significant soil loss during the construction phase.

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铁路隧道顶上的山坡地由铁路运输企业协助当地人民政府进行整治。Slopes on top of railway tunnels shall be conditioned by the local people's government with due assistance of the relevant railway transport enterprise.

由于山坡地的开发不当,容易造成土石松动、破坏水土保持。When the development of mountain area is not appropriate, it is apt to make soil and rock loose, furthermore cause water and soil conservation problems.

主要探讨了BP保水剂、地膜覆盖和有机肥等丰产措施对山坡地土壤水分含量及冬小麦产量的影响。It was investigated that the soil water content and winter wheat yield affected by the means of BP anti drought reagent, plastic film mulch or organic fertilizer.