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在扉页上你都看到了什么?What do you see on the title page?

在扉页上题字是送给我的。On the flyleaf was an inscription to me.

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旧时光,好像泛黄的照片,珍藏在记忆的扉页。Pictures of old days, like yellow, and in the cover page of memory.

卷首插图和扉页照面的页上插图。Frontispiece illustration on the page facing the title page of a book.

遂翻开那发黄的扉页,命运将它装订得极为拙劣。Then turn the page, on the fate of yellow will it binding very awkward.

扉页是指在书籍封面或衬页之后、正文之前的一页。Refers to the title-page book cover or lining page, body of a page before.

他论文的扉页上有一句话“纪念我亲爱的妈妈。”On the flyleaf under the heading, "My pledge , " he had written these words.

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到1598年,他的名字已经成为卖点并出现在扉页。By 1598, his name had become a selling point and began to appear on the title pages.

分析了虚空间在书籍封面、扉页、内页中的应用。It analyzed the application of negative space in book cover , title page and inside.

书藏匿在满满扉页中的深意,就如同隐秘的瑰宝待人采撷。The hidden meaning in the book is just like the valuable treasure , waiting for us to pick up.

即便是现在,读着那暗黄的扉页上的题词,我依旧感觉到一种苦涩的甜蜜。Reading the inscription on the now yellowing frontispiece gives me such bittersweet emotions, even now.

这些幼儿时再简单不过的第一次却都成了我们人生日记中珍贵的扉页。When these children first time simple, however none of our life has become a valuable title page diary.

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还记得吧,几乎所有出版的网络小说都要在扉页上注明论坛点击率。Still remember it, almost all the novels published in the network should be specified in Feiye Forum CTR.

一个大拉页地图前面的扉页,但较小的版本是每两页的传播复制。A large gatefold map precedes the title page, but a smaller version is reproduced on each two-page spread.

但是,当他听说拿破仑宣布自己为皇帝时,立刻撕去了写着献辞的扉页。But the moment he heard that Napoleon had declared himself Emperor, he tore out the dedication on the title page.

打开新生活的书,在扉页上端端正正地写上真正的自己。Open the book that will record your new life, and write down seriously from the tile page you real success in life.

后来我就问起他新书的事,指着扉页上印着的名字和“哲学博士”的头衔。Then I did ask about the book, pointing at the title page, where his name was printed—with “Ph. D.” attached to it.

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美国国会图书馆号码美国国会图书馆采用的书目资料分类方法。号码印于扉页背面。Library of congress number usa system for bibliographical data. the number is printed on the back of the title-page.

但我坚信一个新的朋友,就像是一本新的未开启的书,我愿意用我的真诚打开书的扉页。However, I firmly believe a new friend is like a new unopened book, I wish to use my sincere opened the book's title page.

插图地图集中了世界每一个字母和适当的扉页上图的一部分显示了老师的旅程。Inset maps focus on the part of the world appropriate to each letter and a map on the endpapers shows the teacher's journey.