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保惠师就是圣灵。The Comforter is the Holy Ghost.

圣灵是能被经历的实体!He is not a non-experience entity!

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保罗思想中的圣灵观与末世论。Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul.

圣灵和新妇都说来。And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.

亲爱圣灵来,求�触摸我。Holy Spirit, come. How I need Your touch.

因为我们是一个身体,有同一个圣灵。For we are one body, havingthe same Spirit.

我们是否相信圣灵住在我们里面?Do we believe in the indwelling Holy Spirit?

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然后圣灵说,哈利路亚,你自由了。And the Holy Spirit says, Hallelujah , you are.

主耶稣,求你差派圣灵在我心里工作。Lord Jesus let your Holy Spirit work in me today.

圣灵内住在每一位信靠基督的信徒里。The Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Christ.

也把你们因圣灵所存的爱心告诉了我们。Who also declared unto us your love in the Spirit.

圣灵是基督徒的力量之源。The Holy Spirit is the Christian's source of power.

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难道圣灵徒劳的预先这些东西?Did the Holy Ghost in vain forewarn of these things?

圣灵吩咐我和他们同去,不要疑惑。And the Spirit bade me go with them, nothing doubting.

信徒应不断地被圣灵充满。Belivers should be filled by Holy spirit continuously.

内住的圣灵是我们在主里新身份的保证。Our guaranty of new identity is the indwelling Spirit.

然后圣灵说,哈利路亚,你自由了。And the Holy Spirit says, Hallelujah, you are set free.

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他将以圣灵和火为你们施洗。He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

他们在各种情况下,都顺服了圣灵的指引。In each situation, they obeyed the Spirit's promptings.

我会告诉世人,泽林与圣灵同在。I will tell the world that Louis stays with Holy Spirit.