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他以果充饥。The fruit appeased his hunger.

他们摘了一些蚕豆充饥。They picked some favas to stay their hunger.

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瓶中酒不解渴。/画上的饼不充饥。The wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.

他以三明治和牛奶充饥。He satisfied his hunger with a sandwich and milk.

我们只得吃了几个马铃薯充饥。We had to eat some potatoes substituted as a meal.

金钱可以充饥,但不能治愈不幸。Money can cure hunger, but it cannot cure unhappiness.

如今,仍有10亿人食不充饥,因此我们更需要提高产量。We need it and there are a billion people hungry today.

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生活艰苦的时候,人们只能靠秕谷充饥。When life was hard, people had to feed on blighted grains.

甚至在一些严苛时刻,人们也可以食用树叶充饥。In emergencies, people too can eat the leaves to avoid starvation.

所以好多天来她只有黄油面包和和茶来充饥。So for days and days she had nothing but bread and butter and tea.

我们不能告诉别人我们吃不上饭,我们只能悄悄地拿几个枣子充饥。We can't tell others that we cannot afford a feast or a proper meal.

部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。Running our of grain, the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark.

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他用砂砾破碎我的牙齿,用灰尘给我充饥。Vau. And he hath broken my teeth one by one, he hath fed me with ashes.

只随意一瞥就能判断透视效果——而就是这样一个人居然以干面包充饥!To be able to judge perspective at a glance-- and to live on stale bread!

他不知道是该把那些珍贵的郁金香球根给孩子们充饥。He wondered if it might be time to feed his precious bulbs to his children.

我们为了各种各样的理由而吃,从充饥到应对社交活动。We eat for a variety of reasons, ranging from hunger to social conditioning.

他们饿极了,只好煮了一双皮鞋来充饥。They are so hungry that they try boiling a pair of leather shoes for their dinner.

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下来用我们的面包充饥,用我们的葡萄酒解渴吧。Descend and appease your hunger with our bread and quench your thirst with our wine.

鲁西尔在死前的三个月里只以绿叶蔬菜和健怡可乐充饥。Ramos apparently was eating nothing but green leaves and diet coke for three months.

我们在这住的很好,我们用速食面条和灌装水充饥解渴。We live pretty well here, We will make it through with instant noodles and bottled water.