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所用原料来自于非禽流感疫区。The used materials were from non-avian flu epidemic area.

从沙士疫区前来的旅客将被隔离十天。Travelers from SARS hot ots are being isolated for 10 days.

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从沙士疫区前来的旅客将被隔离十天。Travelers from SARS hotspots are being isolated for 10 days.

疫区的禽产品在世界许多国家遭到禁运。Poultry products from those countries were embargoed by many places.

在狂犬病疫区生活或停留的儿童面临的风险尤其高。Children living in or visiting rabies-affected areas are at particular risk.

在有些疫区已确认存在01稻叶血清型霍乱弧菌。Vibrio cholerae 01 sero type inaba has been confirmed in some of the affected areas.

然后建立隔离区来控制疫区人群的来往。They then establish quarantines to control the movement of people in and out of those areas.

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在疫区,并非始终有可能区分受感染和非受感染的禽鸟。It is not always possible to differentiate infected and non-infected birds in outbreak areas.

疫区已经禁止夜总会、舞厅和公共录像厅营业以减少人群接触。Affected districts have banned discotheques, crusades and public video halls to reduce human contact.

每一批次的原料均需有当地政府部门开具的非疫区证明。Each batch of the raw materials should have the non-pestilence area certification by local government.

日本当局建议仅在高危地区和前往疫区的旅行者中接种乙脑疫苗。The national authority recommends vaccination in high-risk areas only and for travel to endemic regions.

由此,找到了以人、牛共为主要终宿主的湖区洲垸与汊滩型疫区血吸虫病流行可被阻断的阈值。The value of threshold for blocking transmission of schistosomiasis in lake regions has been also found out.

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疫区的所有公用水供应系统已由省当局用氯进行消毒。All public water supply systems in the affected districts have been chlorinated by the provincial authorities.

目的对日本血吸虫病山丘型疫区居民接触疫水的方式进行分类。Objective To classify the water contact patterns of the residents in a hilly endemic area of Schistosomiasis japonica.

1918年的鼠疫流行,给绥远、山西等疫区带来巨大的生命和经济损失。The plague between 1917 and 1918 brought great lost of life and economy to the people in Suiyuan and Shanxi provinces.

为此已加强监测活动,并计划在疫区开展疫苗接种运动。As a result, surveillance activities have been intensified and a vaccination campaign is planned for the affected areas.

方法用病原培养和血清凝集试验调查疫区宿主动物。Methods The host animal in epidemic area was investigated through direct culture of the pathogen and hemagglutination test.

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重庆是我国地氟病的历史疫区,又是氟污染较重的老工业基地。Chongqing is both an age-old area with regional fluorosis and an old industrial base with more serious fluorine contamination.

保虫宿主——家犬,是我国山丘疫区内脏利什曼病的重要传染源。The reservoir host, domestic dog, plays an important role as the infection source of leishmaniasis in the hilly foci of China.

般在农村以一个或几个村、一个或毗邻的几个乡。在城市以居住区、街说减居委会为单位划定疫区。In the city by the community, the street said that reduces the residents' committee to delimit the quarantine area for the unit.