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栖息在没有床单的爱巢。Lie with no sheets on their bed.

鸟儿们在雪裡瑟缩栖息著。And birds sit brooding in the snow.

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哪一条恶龙曾经栖息在这清雅的洞府里?Did ever dragon keep so far a cave?

翠鸟栖息在一棵老桉树上。Kookaburra sits on an lod gum tree.

老鹰栖息在他们的巢窝上。The eagles perched on their eyries.

鹭群栖息繁殖处。A place where herons nest and breed.

苍鹭也栖息在这一带。The place is also inhabited by herons.

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一群海鸥栖息在水面上。A troop of seagulls slept on the water.

鲣鸟栖息在外海地区。Gannets are denizens of the open ocean.

褐色的麻雀栖息在这些横档上。Brown sparrows clustered on the crossbars.

栖息在高杆芦苇畦地的美洲鹪鹩。American wren that inhabits tall reed beds.

一只猫头鹰正在屋顶上栖息。An owl is perching on the roof of the house.

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那“闹”声把一群栖息着的鸟吓得都飞走了。The noise alarmed the whole roost into flight.

这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.

日本淡水渓蟹栖息在山溪中。Japanese Freshwater Crab lives in mountain stream.

这些突起的砖块同时也可作为鸟儿栖息的地方。These juts are also functioning as roosts for birds.

我们必须凌越悲伤,一如晨露自水面腾升,依水栖息。We must rise above it like a dawn mist on the water.

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但愿是有羽翼的精灵,它栖息在人的魂灵深处。Hope is the thing feathers -that perches in the soul.

它看起来很自在,就好像是栖息在一根树枝上一样。It was quite at home, as if it were perching on a twig.

那博大的胸怀,让我的心灵栖息、依偎。In whose broad breast my soul finds a peaceful residence.