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培育它们。Cultivate them.

他培育热带鱼。He breeds tropical fish.

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有暖房培育着她们。Some hothouses held them.

培育变革的萌芽。Plant the seeds of change.

就是将单个细胞培育成为器官Organs grown from single cells.

在他的培育下这棵树长得很好。The tree grows well in his nurture.

暴力无法培育出任何善果。Nothing good ever comes of violence.

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需要培育这些素质。These qualities need to be nurtured.

在孵化网箱内进行鱼苗培育。Culture the fry in the hatchery cages.

神也在培育种植提升他的温文。God was cultivating meekness in Moses.

培育中心应该为你提供四样东西Incubators should give you four things

植物在温室里培育。Plants are nurtured in the greenhouse.

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这些花椰菜都是她用种子培育出来的。She grows those cauliflowers from seed.

是甚麽培育出这种贪婪的文化?What has created this culture of greed?

积极培育志愿服务队伍。It will actively foster volunteer teams.

我们培育出了一种优良的稻种。We have developed a fine strain of rice.

培育高产量稻种,科学家获奖。Scientists win prize for high yield rice.

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这个就是我们培育的种苗。Yes, they are the shellfish fry we breed.

所有的培育技术都是有机的。And all the growing techniques are organic.

加强森林资源培育。To enhance cultivation of forest resources.