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他有诵读障碍。He`s dyslexic.

对于再生障碍性贫血。Aplastic anemia.

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不过存在一个障碍。But there is a snag.

这是一种心理障碍,一种恐惧症。It’s a mental block.

他把球打进了障碍区His ball is bunkered.

另一种是障碍赛马。and the show jumping.

你对障碍的看法。Your view of obstacles.

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然而,这里有一个障碍。However, there's a snag.

投资黄金有很多障碍。Hurdles to gold abounded.

学费可能也是一个障碍。Tuition can be a barrier.

贫穷是另一个障碍。Poverty is another hurdle.

我们还会有睡眠障碍。There are sleep disorders.

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你知道阅读障碍是什么。You know what dyslexia is.

您正面临怎样的障碍?What obstacles do you face?

版权是一个重大障碍。Copyright is the big hurdle.

但是,我很快碰到一个障碍。However I quickly hit a snag.

它承受着两个障碍。It suffers from two handicaps.

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其他患有诵读障碍症的著名人士包括Other notable dyslexic figures

偏执人格障碍?Paranoid personality disorder?

她们没有顾及任何障碍。They allowed for no obstacles.