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当然,他必须捉奸。Yes, he must.

捉奸,小菜一碟拉!Sex, a piece of cake to pull!

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喔!我明白了,他是来捉奸的!Oh, I understand. He came to break the debauchery!

并鼓动村里人上演“捉奸”的闹剧。And agitate village person is performed " catch evil " farce.

这样毫不遮掩的告白,比被她当场捉奸在床还令她难堪。So none cloak 's confession, than she was in bed ' also made her sad.

玛莉和米克被牵涉入一宗捉奸案中,两人须抖颤在其中并尝试调停。Elsewhere, Mary and Mike intervene when a cheating husband is caught red-handed.

我肯定我老婆现在家里偷情,所以今天我提早回了家,想来个捉奸捉双。I was sure my wife was having an affair, so I came home early to catch her with him.

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如果在被捉奸在床后的几分钟内就安慰性地跟对方道歉,就会显得很没诚意。It would seem insincere and placating to offer an apology minutes after your affair is discovered.

今天,我和几个朋友一起回家度周末,女友被我捉奸在床。Today, I came home from a weekend trip with some friends, and walked straight in on my girlfriend cheating on me.

当场捉奸的阿龙怒上心头,失手杀死奸夫后转身离去。Capture the heart on the A Longnu of evil on the spot, the face about after accidentally drop kills adulterer leaves.

亭多被带璧捉奸在床,她赫然发现第三者竟是凤妮,气得掌掴她。Pavilion is brought in bed, she debir sex's third party emerged that unexpectedly enterprise, infuriating palm slap her.

但是,在这个容易寻到足迹的数字化时代,偷腥和被捉奸在床的的几率比以往任何时代都大。But in an era of easily followed digital footprints, the chances of catting around and being caught are greater than ever.

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总统先生的愤怒形于言表,因为对他来说,这如同牧师在祭台通奸时被人捉奸在床。Presidential rage was excited by the observation, as it were, that the vicar was committing adultery behind the presbytery.

“我有一条计策,准能将这两人捉奸在床。”黄婆那脸,苍老而布满皱褶,笑容阴森可怖。"If you ask me, I have a great idea for catching them both in red hands. " Somber smiling worn upon the Obasan's wrinkled face.

第四次,要准备去出差,忘记拿文件,回到家,捉奸在床。Fourth time, must prepare to travel on official business, forgot takes the document, gets the home, seizes deceitfully in the bed.

但是,在这个容易寻到足迹的数字化时代,偷腥和被捉奸在床的的几率比以往任何时代都大。所以,为什么还要撒谎呢?为什么还要喊冤呢?But in an era of easily followed digital footprints, the chances of catting around and being caught are greater than ever. So why cheat and tweet?

报道称,一位女画家昨天早晨将老公和“小三”捉奸在床,气愤的她把此事发在了自己的微博上,并持续“直播”她与老公以及“小三”之间的交锋。The woman, a painter, became so furious, she revealed the affair with a Twitter post and live-tweeted the fight between her, her husband and his mistress.