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可吊装、堆码、叉举。Top lift. Stackable, Fork lift.

你的货已起吊装船了。Your goods have hoisted to the ship.

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你的货物正在往火车上吊装。Your goods are being swung onto the train.

水手班进行物品摆放及吊装作业等。Deckmen placed the goods and proceeded hoist tasks.

本机是加气混凝土吊装时的必备设备。This machine is the necessary equipment for hoisting of aerated concrete.

高强纤维吊装带成型产品通过抽样试验。Strong fiber hoisting belt shaping products have passed the sampling test.

上层建筑整体吊装是船舶建造中一项新工艺。Superstructure assembly of prefabrication is new technique of ship building.

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绳式吊装带的特点是小巧、灵活,可以捆绑、拖拉货物,适应多种环境的作业。Rope sling is small and flexible. It can be used for binding and lowing goods.

好的吊装滑轨应使用平稳、轻捷、安全、噪音小,具有较好的装饰性。Use good lifting slide smooth, nimble, safety, noise, and has good decorative.

吊装需配吊装架、加减振器或者橡胶减振垫。Hoisting must match hoisting to wear, add shock absorber or balata damping pad.

吊装于梁下或楼板下的设备均采用弹性支吊架吊装。Plants installed below beams or floor are supported by support suspended frame.

研究浮式起重船吊装过程的计算机仿真技术。A technique of computationally simulating the direct barging lifting is suggested.

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其他构件和小型散件,采用塔吊吊装。Another structure parts and the small apart piece, Adopt the tower crane to hoist.

装有核燃料铀的储罐使用这种特制吊装设备安装到位。The fuel capsules with Uriniaum were transported in place with this special crane.

本文主要介绍用四台塔式起重机整体吊装大跨度张弦桁架的施工技术。The method of the integral lifting by four tower crane is introduced in this paper.

起重机的行驶路线按单向吊装法,这种路线方法工效高。Route of crane follows single direction assembly route, which is of high efficiency.

该桥是对我国无支架缆索吊装系统的进一步完善。The example perfects further for the non-support cable hoisting system in our country.

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文章较详细地介绍了该大型钢吊箱分节整体水上吊装的施工方法。The paper introduces the construction method of the large steel hanging box in detail.

在拱肋的施工过程中,如何合理的分布扣索吊装位置,则涉及到扣索施工的优化处理。It is referring to optimize the location of cable in span arc during lifting construction.

影响工期的制约因素是门体吊装和运输,而决定安装质量的是门体焊接变形控制。The weld deformation control of gates will have decisive impact on the installation quality.