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使用预制模板。Use premade templates.

预制的孔使得标记简单方便。Preformed hole allows for convenient tagging.

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是水泥预制厂的理想设备。Precast concrete factory is the ideal equipment.

配件包括织物颜料和预制屏。Accessories would include fabric paint and pre-made screens.

等一下你们用预制好的大学经历来让我留下?So you guys used a prefab college experience to get me to stay?

每个公寓单位都由预制模块构建而成。The individual apartments are built from prefabricated modules.

在预制厂焊接的焊缝,用“S”表示。Welding seam performed in prefabrication shop denote with "S ".

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是雷视觉音乐的使用,你在X书面预制的?Was the music used in X-Ray Vision written and preformed by you?

我们比其他公司更多地向预制房屋的买家提供融资。We finance more manufactured-home buyers than any other company.

有12个预制的组合物和7动画图标类。There are 12 premade compositions and 7 animated icons categories.

预制件已经全部通过国家的质量检查。All the prefabricated components have passed the state quality test.

长久以来,在预制曲奇饼市场,雀巢公司占据了41%的份额,仅在北卡罗来纳州边界一带就拥有550名员工。Nestle holds a 41 percent share of the prepared cookie dough market.

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随着造孔剂含量的增加,预制体气孔率升高。The porosity of preforms increased with the increase of starch contents.

他们都是设计建造的预制组件。They are both designed to be constructed from pre-fabricated components.

程序中对预制破片采用刚性材料模型是合理可行的。Meanwhile, the rigid material model is suitable for the premade fragment.

大楼用了预制材料,包括200吨钢材。The building used pre-fabricated material, including 200 tonnes of steel.

它还附带果酱与常见的CSS样式代码段预制包装。It also comes jam-packed with premade code snippets for common CSS styles.

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预制房屋构件有助于控制品质与成本和实现未来的大规模生产。Prefabrication helps control quality and cost, and future mass production.

制作成一份人人都能遵循的,那种预制文件呢To produce this as a pre-scripted document that anybody else could follow?

介绍了一种新型过河预制装配式电缆桥架。A new type of precast prefabricated cable tray across rivers is introduced.