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人还没有明白地定上人将来的计划。I can't be sure of my future plans.

软风一阵一阵地吹上人面,怪痒痒的。And a gentle breeze caressed one's face.

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这列火车再也不能上人了。We can't get any more people onto this train.

因为,圣斗士,我现在就要你的项上人头。Cause saint I want, I, I, I want your head right now.

我们找过法子,要为你讨公道,但一路上人设障碍无数多。We searched for justice but so many hurdles put in our way.

信念就是看到天使在云间漫舞,知道梦幻般的星空的神奇以及传说中月上人儿的智慧。To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.

上人、各位法师、各位佛友,阿弥陀佛!Venerable Master, all Dharma Masters, and all friends in the Dharma, Amitabha!

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一天,午斋的时候,就象平时一样,斋堂都会放上人的录音。One day, at lunch time, like usual, in the dining hall we would play VM's lecture.

别忘了明天早上九点我们要乘水上飞机上人哩。And do not forget we're going up in hydroplane to-morrow morning , at nine o'clock.

凌虚上人欲杀明涯,阿丧为掩护众人逃跑舍命拖延。People want to kill Ya Ling Xu Ming, a funeral to cover all escape his procrastination.

第四,齐球价值链上人邦服拆业物流零开的道径。Fourth, the global apparel value chain logistics in China under the path of integration.

整个休闲美食广场的屋顶为可上人绿化屋面。The roof of the entire recreation and gourmet plaza is greened and capable to bear tourists.

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女性不为成为人上人而努力,往往就被认为是低人一等。Because they are not struggling to be one-up, women often find themselves framed as one-down.

新的可上人绿色屋顶实际上是新的地面,增加了自然场地的使用范围。The new occupiable green roofs in fact create new ground, expanding the use of the natural site.

上人表示,只要敞开心门转心念,有心有愿有力,就有福。Master Cheng Yen reminds all that with an open mind and a proactive attitude, blessings will come your way.

我衷心的希望他们将圣城所学到的知识及宣公上人提倡的八德,运用在日常生活上,让家人、师长看到他们的改变和成长。I wanted them to take the knowledge and virtues we shared with them that day, and apply it in the daily lives.

在一个水准上人消费正变得缺乏吸引力,特别是商品的质量似乎一直在降低。Consumption, on one level, is turning insipid, especially as the quality of the goods seems to be deteriorating.

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宣公上人教导我们,老人是世上最值得尊敬的人,但他们也负有重责大任。Master Hua taught that elders are the world's most honorable people but that they also bear great responsibility.

本页只适合十八岁或以上人仕观看。你是否年满十八岁并确定要进入本页?You need to be at least 18 years old to access this page. Please confirm below that you are at least 18 years old.

在美国自然历史博物馆,科学家们公布了一个重大发现,在进化论上人与猿之间缺失的环节被找到了。Scientists have unveiled the missing link between humans and apes at the American Museum of Natural History, New York.