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随时欢迎!Welcome any time!

欢迎来到恩施。Welcome to Enshi.

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欢迎来到武汉。Welcome to Wuhan!

阿罗哈和欢迎!Aloha and welcome!

欢迎您,A-Welcome!,很荣幸参加这个节目!B-It's a pleasure!

欢迎欢迎,亲爱的!Darlings! Welcome!

欢迎你来听课。No,you're welcome.

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欢迎惠顾!Patronage welcome!

欢迎惠顾!Welcome patronize!

欢迎你到德州来。Welcome to Dezhou.

欢迎来到十堰。Welcome to Shiyan.

欢迎您。Stan Stan, Welcome.

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欢迎我们的城市来!Welcom to our city!

欢迎五位小英雄。Welcome five heros.

欢迎到海阳!Welcome to Haiyang!

欢迎您到金桥来。Welcome to Jinqiao.

我冲过去欢迎他。I rush to greet him.

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我欢迎这个项目。I welcome this item.

欢迎韦斯特博士。Welcome Doctor West.

欢迎来卡利亚里。Welcome to Cagliari.