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一对不反光镜片大约要多少钱?How much is a pair of anti-reflection lenses?

他正在使用的是双镜头反光镜相机。The camera he's using now is a twin- lens reflex one.

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有提升绞盘,负载反光镜和一套双挂钩系统。Winch upgrade, load and a set of dual-reflector system link.

当然,还需要有人安置和拆卸反光镜。But the reflectors do of course have to be emplaced and removed.

反光镜套可由超透明膜做成。The rear view mirror sleeves are made of ultra transparent membrane.

不过最近,新一代的无反光镜相机已投放市场。Recently, a new generation of mirrorless cameras have hit the market.

油膜使水面变得平滑,从而能够成为一面出色的反光镜。Oil smoothes the surface of the water, making it a better mirror of sunlight.

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他努力想把注意力集中到路上,但不停地朝反光镜里看。He tries to concentrate on the road. But he keeps looking into the rear-view mirror.

其宽度中有30英寸用作基座,剩下的18英寸用作反光镜***。You used 30 inches of that width for the base which leaves you 18 inches for the reflector.

佳能最近发布了一项似乎用于无反光镜系统的镜头卡口专利。Canon recently filed a patent for what appears to be a lens adapter for a mirrorless camera.

经抛光的铬层有很高的反射系数,可作反光镜。Exposed The polishing of chromium layer has high reflection coefficient, can make reflector.

康雨明就这样走了,他向我挥挥手。透过反光镜,我看了他脸上眼泪如瀑布一般。Kang Yuming was gone, he waved to me. Through the mirror, I see his face tears like waterfall.

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看得远,看得广,保持安全距离,看反光镜和让其他人看到你…See far, see wide, keep safe distance from the front, scan the mirrors and let others see you.

拆下车上所有的饰品,保险杠,反光镜,车身护栅和其他在喷漆时需要拆下来的东西。Strip a car of all its trim, bumpers, mirrors, grille, and other items that need to be removed.

在接近高速收费亭时,我把车用劲向右倾,这样挡路杆不会碰到我的反光镜。At the toll booths, I lean my bike hard to the right so the end of the bar doesn't hit my mirror.

我使用头灯,尾灯,反光镜,两面后视镜,和一个额外用在拖车上的尾灯。I use a headlight, taillight, reflectors, two mirrors, and an additional taillight for the trailer.

可采用双向反光镜降光,有效提高灯光照射度。Light sources is gathered by double-direction reflectors that can improve light utilization effectively.

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轻型车前照灯反光镜是由抛物曲线构成的三维曲面深拉深件。Light-vehicle headlamp reflector is constituted of parabolas to3-D surface, which is a deep drawing workpiece.

进行目力检查,确保车辆左右两侧的反光镜是否牢固,是否调整在正确位置。Visually inspect to ensure that both left and right rear view mirrors are secure and in an acceptable condition.

现在Google正在各种反光镜材料,优先考虑是选择便宜且容易制造。Right now, Google is testing various materials for the mirrors, with cost and ease of manufacturing as the top priorities.