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真主紧急呼救天狗。Live God SOS dog evil.

在中国的传统中,有着天狗吞日的故事。In Chinese tradition, there is a story about a heavenly dog eating the sun.

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然而我们终在无意之间发现了天狗星和牛郎。And yet the Heavenly Dog and the Cowherd are perceived by us by an accident.

太子与凤三在湖中航行,遇上天狗食日,天色突变。Prince and chicken three sailing on the lake, in the dog food, its mutation.

中国民间传说中,日食是“天狗”吞食太阳造成的。Chinese folk legend, the solar eclipse is "Tengu" caused by swallowing the sun.

天狗来到四平后很快融入了大家,在暗中寻找着水晶的下落。Tin-Go disguised himself and came to the little town Si Ping, looking for the crystals.

在早期游戏中,如果你准备速出天狗,试着试探你的对手在干什么。In the early game, if you are going for fast Tengu's try and get a feel for your what your opponent is doing.

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此时的天狗被大家的爱心所感动,加入了对抗猎犬军团的行列中。Moved by the love and kindness of the people of Si Ping, Tin-Go decided to fight along side Si Ping against his former master.

如果对手中了圈套派他的天狗从地面上来,用你其他的VX机甲在天上痛宰它们吧。If your opponent takes the bait and sends his tengus to the ground, trounce him with your other Chopper VX that are still in the sky.

果然,月亮被“天狗”吐出一块,像一只白色的小帆船,在深蓝色的大海上飘流,接着又被“天狗”吐出一块又一块。Sure enough, the moon was spit out a "dog", like a small white sailing, wander in deep blue sea, followed by "dog" spit out a piece of a piece.

给出了挡光屏的设置参数,并完成了“天狗袭日”彩虹全息图的设计和制作,获得了满意的效果。The setting parameters of the complementary sheltering screen and the experimental example are given in this paper. The experimental result is very satisfactory.

湖底的九千岁算出有人趁天狗食日想谋害太子,由于是命中注定劫数,牠亦不能逆天而行,没去阻止。Bottom of nine chitose calculate someone took advantage of the dog food, want to kill prince, because it is destined to doom, they also cant go against it, not to stop.

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天狗也非常适合早期游戏骚扰,派一些早期天狗到敌人的矿点去,在他们手忙脚乱的时候,你可以趁机干掉一个矿车。The Tengus are great for early game harassment as well, fly a few early Tengus to your enemy's Ore Node while they are busy and you're bound to take out a Ore Collector.

简而言之,让你的天狗在空中保护VX机甲,抵御敌人的空军,而当防空来了以后,让你的天狗降落来对抗防空单位保护VX机甲。In short, keep your tengus in the sky to defend the Chopper VX's from other air units, and when AA vehicles come your way, bring your Tengu's to the ground to level the Anti -Air units.

同样的事持续了一个星期,每天狗都在厨房附近狂吠,每天我回家都会看到储物柜和洗碗机被打开。This happened over the course of the week. The dogs would bark in the general vicinity of the kitchen and when I left the house I would return to find cabinets open and the dishwasher pulled down.