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他确立了他的学说。He has established his theory.

这种用法已牢牢确立起来了。The usage is now firmly indurated.

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第二部分——政治犯罪不引渡原则的确立。Part III-The nature of the principle.

确立了人体舒适度指标体系。The body comfort index is established.

我想要尽快确立自己在队内的位置。I want to establish myself in the team.

圆桌会议确立的两项重要目标是The two main goals of these roundtables are to

这家公司已在商界牢固地确立了自己的地位。The company established itself firmly in business.

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确立和解终结诉讼原则。Establishment of reconciliation cesser secta axiom.

确立明确目标,不断增进英文听说读写能力。I have clear goals for improving my English skills.

在英国,女性投票权是在1928年确立的。In England, women suffrage was established in 1928.

那真的是绝对主义[确立]的决定性时刻That's really the defining moment in absolute rule.

艾滋病毒已在一般人群牢固确立。HIV is firmly established in the general population.

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确立“以戒为本、重治慎罚”的戒毒理念。We to establish the ideology" Detoxcautious penalty".

想想自己要确立的目标,把它写下来并大声说出来。Think it and write it down as well as say it out loud.

过敏反应和心绞痛的诊断被确立。A diagnosis of anaphylaxis and angina pectoris was made.

在开学第一个星期确立对班级良好的掌控。A. 1. Establishes good control the first week of school.

延长基尼亚将军的任期将确立他的地位。Extending the general’s term will entrench his position.

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它是在1995年的代顿协议上确立的,马克的名字指的是德国马克。It was established as such by the 1995 Dayton Agreement.

上次课,我们讲了波尔模型的确立。Last day we talked about the validation of the Bohr model.

他拒绝参选连任第三任总统使这一点得到牢固确立。His refusal to seek a third presidential term cemented that.