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我们奉送此书聊表谢意。We gave this book to thank a little.

随函奉送详细报价单。We enclose herewith our detailed quotation.

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我们奉送此书聊表谢意。This book is a small token of our gratitude.

这架钢琴可以卖给你60英镑,琴凳我奉送。You can have the piano for 60, and I'll throw in the stool as well.

但是现在有些饼干开始奉送一些惊人的负面建议。But some cookies are now serving up some surprisinglydownbeat advice.

因此,按照格老秀斯的说法,在把自己奉送给国王之前,人民就是人民。Then, according to Grotius, a people is a people before it gives itself.

哇啊!他真帅。我们免费多奉送一个米糕给他。Wow he is real good-looking. Let's give him an extra rice cake for free.

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超等市场正在向本日来的每位主顾奉送一盒糖。The supermarket is giving away a box of sugar to everyone who comes today.

他占据了开发商奉送的纽约四个租金受管制的公寓。He occupies four rent-controlled apartments in New York, courtesy of a developer.

每位女士凡在中餐厅消费满¥160,奉送燕窝蛋挞1个。Free for one Bird's Nest Tart for each lady who consumes over RMB160 at Luhu Court.

年糕又是互相奉送的礼品,来增长亲友挚友之情。Rice cakes and giving each other the gift, to enhance the friends and relatives of love.

我方随函奉送贵方所要的产品目录及有关布样。We are now sending you our catalog together with some samples of the materials you require.

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小店老伯鲜榨果汁,放上冰块,还奉送我们一人一个伊香小馒头。The shop for me, put on ice fresh-squeezed juice, each of us a Iraq now sweet small steamed bun.

凡为我司介绍一名顾客长期用户,定将每月奉送五桶友勇山泉水!For we who introduced a customer long-term users will now five barrels per month a brave mountain!

据BBC报道,卡扎菲已承诺只要有人能给他自由,他愿意奉送25吨黄金。The BBC is reporting that Gaddafi had offered 25 tons of gold to whoever would assure his freedom.

当然,我们应该能够接受我们“奉送”给外界人士的相同类型的人格抨击。Surely we should be able to take the same kind of character attacks that we "dish out" to outsiders.

奉送一些立竿见影的措施——在不触犯任何人利益的前提下用最少成本可取得的短期结果。Throw in some quick wins — short-term results that can be obtained at minimal cost without treading on anyone's toes.

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一些生存在都市中的男小孩们现在终于明确,要掳获女生芳心,奉送礼物或展现天生个人私家魅力已不再管用。Some urban guys are now learning that the way to a woman's heart is not through giving presents or displays of natural charm.

当然可以。但我们只有蒸馏水而且是要收费的。餐后会奉送咖啡或茶。Certainly. But we only have distilled water and there will be a charge. There will be complimentary coffee or tea after your meal.

伊朗制鞋协会还向扎一迪奉送了“终身鞋”,然而扎一迪却在巴格达一所监狱等待着审判。Iran's main shoemaking federation also offered to supply a lifetime of shoes to Zaidi, who remains in a Baghdad jail awaiting trial.