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但这里只是海洋的起点。But not out of sea.

你的起点应该是零。Zero in on what you are about.

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这是摩尔思想的逻辑起点。This is the start point of Moore.

这里就是我冒险的起点!Now this is where my jouney begains!

现在我们回到我们的起点。Now we are back to where we started.

假设起点在这里Suppose the starting point was here.

对我来说。今天是一个新的起点。To me. this is a new starting point.

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这就是波士顿马拉松赛的起点That's where The Boston Marathon starts.

商店就在道路的起点处。The shop is at the beginning of the road.

所有参赛运动员均在起点列队就位。All the competitors lined up at the start.

我们的旅行以中途岛为起点。Our trip takes Midway as a starting point.

循环之路----重返起点。Path of Cycle --- Return to the Beginning.

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村落是人类聚落的起点。Village is the origin of human settlement.

兴趣是写好作文的起点。Interest is the starting point for writing.

您可以实现更多内容,而这是个好的起点。You could do more, but this is a good start.

集训营就是乐成故事的起点!Training camp is where success stories start!

这一切都在一个相同的起点打转转。All these spin its wheels in a same beginning.

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建筑概念设计的起点是“盒子中的盒子”。The starting point is the box-in-box principle.

那种让每个人的起点相同的择优体系。that brings everyone to the same starting point.

悠扬的钟声,意味着一个崭新的起点。Melodious bell , mean a brand-new starting point.