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然而,这两起汽车炸弹袭击蓄意谋杀。Yet the attacks were meant to murder.

是演出事故还是蓄意谋杀?Were the accident or attempted murder?

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尽量诚实但不要蓄意伤害。Be honest but not intentionally hurtful.

我意识到是某些人蓄意谋杀了他们。I realized then that someone had killed them.

索萨先生说所有指控都是蓄意诽谤。Mr Souza said the claims were smear attempts.

李湘跳槽副台长蓄意炒作还是真有其事?Is Li Xiang's job-hopping true or speculation?

我没有蓄意去做此事,请相信我。I'm not doing this deliberately, please believe me.

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你清楚他蓄意咒骂的人就是我。You know well that it is I whom he seeks to revile.

他自觉、蓄意地将秽物给予他的读者。He consciously, deliberately gives his readers filth.

警方认为那是蓄意谋杀。WILFUL】The police think that it was a willful murder.

我蓄意把灯吊在天花板上。戒烟的好方法。Iwoulm thinking of hyourging the lamp from the ceiling.

因为他放火烧了一栋房子并且蓄意向我开枪。Because he set fire to a house and tried to fired at me.

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他们的蓄意阻挠会比阿卜杜拉国王的统治持续得更久。Their obstructionism will outlast King Abdullah's reign.

列车上所有的椅套都被蓄意破坏者撕破了。All the seat-covers on the train had been torn by vandals.

忍性的强化,需有人蓄意的伤害。To develop patience, you need someone who willfully hurts.

令我担忧的问题之一是蓄意破坏案件的上升。One of the things that concerns me is the rise in vandalism.

抗议者绝大多数没有投掷石头和蓄意破坏。Protesters largely forbore from stone-throwing and vandalism.

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这是是蓄意谋杀的犯罪,是史无前例的。The crime was unprecedented in its cunning and murderous results.

立体派是难以理解的,蓄意地暧昧不明的,也尚未通俗的。Cubism was hard to read, willfully ambiguous, and yet demotic too.

这是在媒体聚光灯下的蓄意对抗。This was deliberate antagonism under the glare of media spotlight.