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他们使那只船超载。They overloaded the vessel.

这就是一个信息超载的现象。It's another case of information overload.

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他的车因超载而抛锚了。His car was stalled because of overloading.

难道船舶超载就那么难以根除?。Is it that difficult to root out such ships?

警察经常检查有否超载。The police constantly check for overloading.

为了处理信息超载,可以做些什么呢?What can be done about information overload?

目前,该信息确实是超载。Currently, the information is really over-loaded.

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快速心房起搏可导致细胞内钙离子超载。RAP can induce calcium overload in atrial myocyte.

它真的能够遏制超载吗?Is it true can is keep within limits overweighted ?

保险丝烧断了,因为我们使线路超载了。The fuse blew because we had overloaded the circuit.

糟糕的是,资讯超载会让人崩溃。At its worst, information overload can be paralyzing.

超载超速,危机四伏。Overload and overspeed, threatened by growing crises.

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因此,当温度在400℃附近时更应注意避免超载。Thus, it is important to avoid overloading near 400℃.

我们的脸检测神经机制可以被超载。Our face-detection neural machinery can be overloaded.

在服务器已经超载时再添加任务是不明智的。This may not be wise if the server is already overloaded.

家庭用电不可超载。The family electricity should not overcharge in operation.

这是一根稻草,但是骆驼的背已经超载了。That’s one straw, but the camel’s back is already overloaded.

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这有助于进一步消除给定服务器的超载情况。This further helps to eliminate overloading of a given server.

尼莫地平能阻止缺血心肌细胞钙超载的发展和加重。Nimodipine could prevent the calcium overload in ischemic myocyte.

在超载的火车里的乘客互相挤拥。The passengers in the overcrowded train jostled against each other.