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男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。Men are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn.

尽管我有点顽固不化甚至有点象出土文物。Even though Im ancient and somewhat of a relic.

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男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded.

盖茨发现他们顽固不化同样感到沮丧。Gates found their recalcitrance equally frustrating.

哦,背离慈爱胸怀的顽固不化的流亡者!O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast!

噢,背离慈爱胸怀的顽固不化、一意孤行的流亡者!O stubborn , self-willed exile from the loving breast !

撇弃简单的辩论会---我们是爱国志士还是顽固不化者?Beyond the simplistic debate — are we patriots or bigots?

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一个顽固不化的单身汉还谈什么舞伴和华尔兹舞!What had a sitff bachelor to do with partners and waltzing ?

区分对立两种的倾向在人类思考中顽固不化、处处都有。The tendency to dichotomize is stubbornly pervasive in human thought.

但是DRDO的顽固不化占据着上风,以至于项目被拖延了这么多年。But the DRDOs obduracy prevailed and the programme dragged for so many years.

我们可以说他“顽固不化”,再加上一个词“敢于像教徒一样献身”,就这样吧。Can we say ‘giant boulder’, then add ‘voodoo sacrifice’, and leave it at that?

没想到他们的封建思想是那样的顽固不化。It is really out of imagination that their thoughts are so deeply rooted in feudalism.

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由于在德班的表现,加拿大还获评环保组织评选的“年度顽固不化奖”。Green groups awarded the country their Fossil of the Year award for its performance in Durban.

伊拉克仍面临危险和顽固不化的敌人,他们的图谋和手段各不相同。Iraq still faces dangerous and determined enemies, each with their own objectives and tactics.

我们的内幕人员说这会证明那些唱反调的或者顽固不化的人是错的,谁说少数民族不能做大事了。Our insiders say it would prove all the naysayers and bigots wrong that a minority can't do the job.

如果你还坚持你那顽固不化的本性,我是没有理由再耽搁一分钟了!cause there is no reason for my lingering another minute, if you persist in your stubborn ill-nature!

䗸许多民主党人认定,奥巴马准备再次对敌人的顽固不化予以奖赏。Many Democrats concluded that Mr Obama was preparing to reward the enemy, yet again, for its obduracy.

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斯卡吉尔先生的顽固不化和好战导致他的矿工们一败涂地,他也令梅克斯伯勒不快。Yet Mr Scargill—whose obduracy and militancy led his miners to crushing defeat—also haunts Mexborough.

布恩是一名出色的生物学家,但谈起政治和宗教,他却有些顽固不化。Boon was a brilliant biologist who was somewhat bigoted when it came to discussing politics or religion.

有时候,福莱可以很执拗,看来是部分地继承了约翰·弗莱查尔德的顽固不化。At times, Ms. Foley can be obstinate, apparently having inherited some of John Fairchild's recalcitrance.