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香味扑鼻。A fragrance greeted us.

其色泽嫩黄,清香扑鼻。The color yellow, fragrant aroma.

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屋里有一股扑鼻的尿臊味。The smell of urine hangs in the air.

里面光线很暗,霉味扑鼻。The interior was dark and smelled of mildew.

当打开吉他盒子时,香味立刻扑鼻而来。Open the case and it strikes you immediately.

绿树成荫,花香扑鼻——理想家园靠大家。Trees, floral aroma – ideal home by everyone.

不经一番寒霜雪,那得梅花扑鼻香。After Hanshuang not snow, a plum blossom-Pubi.

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未经一番寒彻骨,焉得梅花扑鼻香。Without a cold biting, nothing is tangy incense.

花园里的花香味扑鼻令人心旷神怡。The flowers in the garden give out pleasant smell.

当他伸出头时,一股诱人的香味扑鼻而来。As he looked out, a fantastic smell came to his nose.

蒸笼一掀开,红麴香味先扑鼻。Steamer one opened, red yeast rice aroma first aroma.

扑鼻而来是一阵红色浆果混合的甜美香料的芬芳。Intense nose of red berry fruit mixed with sweet spice.

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我进入那个房间的时候,咖啡味扑鼻而来。The smell of coffee greeted me when I entered the room.

穿衣服时,一股寒气扑鼻而来,鼻子冻得酸溜溜的,难受极了!Clothes, wearing a chill, nose nose sour cold, very afflictive!

我一推开店门,浓郁醉人的咖啡香气便扑鼻而来。The minute the door opened, a heady aroma of coffee drew me in.

我在哪里可以看扑鼻鳄梨酱完全免费电影在线流?Where can I watch Tangy Guacamole movie online free full stream?

还没开始吃呢,那诱人的香味就扑鼻而来,馋得我直流口水。Before I ate, the smell of the tasty food made my mouth watering.

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有的花是香味扑鼻,色泽鲜艳,就像艳季。Some flowers is tangy scent, bright color, like colourful season.

扑鼻而来的野生草莓,黑加仑和新鲜玫瑰的香气。An explosive nose of wild strawberry, blackcurrant and fresh roses.

都没有任何包装,而且鱼肉腥味扑鼻。Nothing is packaged and there is a thick smell of raw meat and fish.