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这个孩子是在反叛。The child was rebelling.

这三个男人属于胡图族反叛分子。The three men were rebel Hutu.

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她会支持s的反叛力量吗?Will she side withs's rebel forces?

船员们准备公开反叛。The crew was ready for open rebellion.

摇摆乐是青少年的反叛音乐。Rock is the music of teenage rebellion.

反叛分子用炸弹炸毁兵工厂。The rebels bombed the munition factory.

然后他又转向了反叛分子。And then he turned again to the mutineers.

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我仍在等待后代的反叛。I'm still waiting for the proles to rebel.

反叛是北野武电影的重要特征。Rebellion was his films' important character.

这是由于军队内部的反叛行为。Due to the internal rebellion within the army.

他将继续帮助反叛军。He was going to continue to assist the rebels.

天王星代表突然性的改变和反叛。Uranus represents sudden change and rebellion.

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年轻人会下意识的反叛传统。The young rebel against traditions subliminally.

印度东北地区的反叛组织从中国获得了帮助?Insurgent groups in N- E getting help from China?

费尔南多Tejedor从不认为自己是反叛。Fernando Tejedor never considered himself a rebel.

他的绘画风格是对立体主义的反叛。His style of painting was a reaction against cubism.

我想我有一点反叛连胜了。I think I had a little streak of rebelliousness too.

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宗教是如何影响维多利亚时代的性反叛?How were Victorian sex rebels influenced by religion?

最后,反叛部队向政府投降了。The rebel troops,at last,submitted to the government.

一名反叛军的发言人穆哈麦德在米苏拉塔说。said Mohamed, a spokesman for the rebels in Misurata.