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何况,它还能赚钱。Besides, it makes money.

何况,我们也是朋友。Besides, we were friends.

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何况,还有国家大事等着他呢。Also there are reasons of state.

何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

何况那又是我特别心爱的一只手提箱,皮制的。Valise I have a particular fancy for.

连一只猫也只有屈指可数的几条命,何况人乎?Even a cat has limited number of lives.

何况我们还有许许多多的事情没跟她说呢。And we had lots more things to tell her.

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何况拆房容易盖房难呀。Moreover, it did house demolitions easy.

我们死都不怕,何况困难?We fear no death, let alone difficulties.

何况丧失礼仪是一个人最大的不幸。It is perilous to behave like a anthropophagi.

真正的男人在海上是从来都不会迷失的,何况,那可是个狭长的岛。A man is never lost at sea and it is a long island.

中国只是落后我们五年,何况人家还正在壮大。China is still five years behind us, but it’s gaining.

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何况,你也不一定需要所有的领域知识。Furthermore, you may not need all that domain knowledge.

谁不曾有过类似的时刻呢,何况小小的惊喜。We all have such moments put before us. Little surprises.

何况莫洛克神的影响也使他们变得忧郁起来。Afortiori the influence of Moloch made them become sullen.

何况他还有克斯特亚这位西伯利亚拳击冠军。And, after all, he had Kostya, a Siberian boxing champion.

何况那灵的职事,岂不更带着荣光?How shall the ministry of the Spirit not be more in glory?

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何况他们也给家庭和看护者带来更少麻烦。Plus, they are less trouble to their families and caretakers.

何况这种母子关系是随时间而衰退的。Moreover, the mother-child relationships deteriorated over time.

禽兽尚能如此,何况进化先进的人类呢?!The animals can do so well, what about the advanced human being?