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HIV感染儿童接种卡介苗的安全性问题Safety of BCG vaccine in HIV-infected children

我的孩子满月时种的卡介苗,一直没有进行复查。My baby one month of the BCG , has not been review.

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标准的结核病疫苗是卡介苗。The standard vaccination against tuberculosis is the BCG.

称为卡介苗的结核疫苗能否预防XDR-TB?Can the TB vaccine, known as the BCG vaccine, prevent XDR-TB?

标准的卡介苗在世界各国用来对付肺结核。The standard BCG vaccine is used worldwide against tuberculosis.

卡介苗库,如果您使用它,而不需要任何改变。The BCG library, if you are using it, without needing any change.

结论宝鸡市新生儿卡介苗接种效果良好。Conclusion The effect of neonatal BCG vaccination is good in Baoji.

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卡介苗是用以预防结核病的一种疫苗。BCG, or bacillus Calmette-Guérin, is a vaccine for tuberculosis disease.

因此,卡介苗对广泛耐药结核的作用可能非常有限。The effect of BCG against XDR-TB would therefore likely be very limited.

卡介苗促进了TH1的反应,但是不会削弱TH2。The BCG vaccine boosts the TH1 response, but does not dampen the TH2 one.

术后采用丝裂霉素及卡介苗膀胱灌注。After the operation, mitomycin and BCG were used for the Irrigation of bladder.

卡介苗可在儿童中预防严重类型的结核,例如结核脑膜炎。The BCG vaccine prevents severe forms of TB in children, such as TB meningitis.

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新疫苗的安全性好于卡介苗,在动物身上进行的试验也表明疫苗的效果更强。The new vaccine is safer than BCG and tests in animals have also shown it to be more effective.

众所周知,分离出来的卡介苗都有一定程度的异烟肼耐药性。It is well known that there is a certain degree of isoniazid resistance of isolated BCG strains.

制备乙型肝炎-卡介苗联合疫苗,可以减少针次,降低副作用。The hepatitis B-BCG combined vaccine can decrease injection times and reduce adverse side effects.

DarDar临床试验的2000名试验参与者感染了艾滋病病毒,而且曾接受过标准的卡介苗免疫接种。The 2,000 subjects in the DarDar trial were HIV-positive and had received a standard BCG vaccination.

DarDar临床试验的2000名试验参与者感染了艾滋病病毒,而且曾接受过标准的卡介苗免疫接种。The 2, 000 subjects in the DarDar trial were HIV-positive and had received a standard BCG vaccination.

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白芍总苷对卡介苗加脂多糖引起的小鼠免疫性肝损伤的保护作用。Effects and mechanisms of total glucosides of paeony on joint damage in rat collagen-induced arthritis.

患病学生肺结核典型症状少见,卡介苗接种卡痕保护率为65%。The typical symptoms of TB appeared rarely to all the cases. The protection rate of BCG mark is 65 percent.

结论乙型肝炎疫苗-卡介苗联合疫苗能有效地诱导实验动物的体液免疫和细胞免疫。Conclusion HB-BCG combined vaccine effectively induced both humoral and cellular immune responses in animals.