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影响之大自是有目共睹。Great effect is obvious to all.

有目共睹,中国是一个开展中国度。As is known to all- China is a developing country.

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但是现在,他们的难题已是有目共睹。But now their problems have erupted into plain sight.

自1984年创立以来,城大的进步有目共睹。CityU has achieved a great deal since being founded in 1984.

这在国际社会有目共睹,自有公论。This is evident in the international community, its own conclusions.

对经济事务的官僚化管理,其效率低下早已有目共睹。The inefficiency of the bureaucratic conduct of affairs is proverbial.

警察是一个良好和谐社会的最有目共睹的支柱。The police are the most visible pillars of a decent, harmonious society.

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胡珊珊老师是教授二年级的新语文老师。她的热情是大家有目共睹的。Amingo is the new mandarin teacher in PYP 2. Her enthusiasm is to be commended.

当然,最有目共睹的进展是贸易爱戴主义的胁制。The most watched development of course is the threat of tradverte protectionism.

其效果是有目共睹的,哑巴英语不乏其人。The learning effect is obvious to all, there's no lack of dummy English learners.

视窗的每一个新版本都是一个有目共睹的重要里程碑。Each new version of Windows is a visible and significant milestone for the company.

十年来,苹果取得了骄人的成绩,它的成功有目共睹。That's a relief -- Apple has had an incredible run of success over the last decade.

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他拥有天赋的雅致,有目共睹的才力使单调的事情也活泼起来。He has a flair for the elegant, the showy that makes even humdrum events come alive.

这是世人有目共睹的成绩,也是饱受苦难的中国人民引以为豪的成就。These are obvious achievements that the long-suffering Chinese people take pride in.

赵明贵说自从鱼刺来到了二队他们的成绩是有目共睹的。Zhao Minggui since bones came to the second team said they result is obvious to all.

不管怎么样,巴西在国际事务上的影响力现在是有目共睹。Either way, the country’s clout in international affairs is now an acknowledged fact.

而无论如何他都鄙视政治,鄙视政治有目共睹的腐败和理想主义的失落。In any case, he despised politicians, for their evident corruption and lack of ideals.

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当然,最有目共睹的进展是贸易袒护主义的威迫。The most watched development. of course. is the threat of trcommerciinge protectionism.

我们正以雄健的步伐和有目共睹的成绩迈入了世界体育强国之林。We are there for all to see vigorous pace and scored into the world of sports power Lin.

这个只有一年历史的操作系统尽管由于其全新的操作界面获得了一致好评,但它的缺陷也是有目共睹的。The year-old OS has been praised for its new 3-D interface but has had its share of flaws.