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铺陈是辞赋的基本创作方法。Elaboration is the basic writing method of cifu.

段落式的铺陈方法是指作品中用一个诗段或自然段落描绘某一个主题。Paragraphed elaboration means that the author describes one theme in one paragraph.

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杰克逊把托尔金的小说改编成电影三部曲时,运用艺术家创作的风格,并未按照书中的情节铺陈。Jackson took some artistic licence in adapting Tolkien’s novels into a movie trilogy.

本章前三节是第四节的概念框架铺陈。The first three sections of this chapter is the conceptual framework of fourth section.

当然,问题在于铺陈出所有的资料和开发一款直观的用户界面。The problem, of course, is in laying out all that data and creating an intuitive interface.

此外,数以千所的高中和大学也都铺陈了人造草坪,且此数目还在不断攀升中。Thousands of high schools and colleges have also installed fake grass, and the number is rising fast.

叙述和对话稀缺,而风景大量铺陈,这样的类型是很适合用电影表现的。A genre in which description and dialogue are lean, and the landscape spectacular, is well suited to film.

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这样的表达接连出现,当情节铺陈完毕后,整部书开始顺着自身的原动力航行。These occur some way along, after the plot has been laid and the book begins coasting on its own momentum.

早在古典音乐之前的古代音乐,是以文学史诗、戏剧为展现形式铺陈开来的。Back in the ancient music, classical music before, is a literary epic, dramatic form to show the lay off of.

赋为铺陈直叙,即诗人把思想感情及其有关的事物平铺直叙地表达出来。Fu means straightforward expatiation which is to express the poet's ideas and other related matters descriptively.

作者在本书所铺陈的,不仅是企业集团的发展史,也是当代社会经济发展的一个重要侧面。It describes not only a developing history of a business group but a record of economic developing in modern society.

落花铺陈一片红色地毯,迎接我的未来,精彩未完的未来。Falling flower describes at great length once slicing red carpet , the future welcoming me, wonderful unfinished future.

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因是介乎现实、超现实及增删疑云的三重铺陈,故使得整部小说更诡异奇谲。Because around with triple narration with reality, surreality and adding- erasing, so the novel that filled with strange color.

在F1739中我采用了一首很有名的唐诗,并且将之以新体的铺陈阐述个人的体悟。In F1739 I put down first a famous Tang poem, and then wrote it in the new style as sort of an elaboration of my comprehension of it.

人生的盛宴在此浩大铺陈,尊贵的身份,威严的权势,盛世繁华的极致风光!The feast of life in this vast, and of the elaborate identity, the power of the majesty of the time prosperous, extreme scenery! ! ! ! !

他的小说,密集而刺目地铺陈着鲜血和暴力,浓烈而恣肆地暴露和渲染着苦难。His novels are filled densely and strikingly with blood and violence which strongly and licentiously exposes and portrays the tribulation.

夏商周三代,关于政权更替正当性的論证,以周人的铺陈最为周延。Of the three dynasties of Shiah, Sung, and Chou, the Chou people stated the most complete justification for "government rotation" initiated.

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婚房中式风格的装饰需要色彩是依赖于渲染,但不要推荐广泛铺陈。The adornment of Chinese style style marriage room need colour is dependent on rendering, but don't recommend widespread elaborate language.

在刘国强的作品中,他选择了拍手者的形象,通过重复与并置,为我们铺陈了中国特有的政治学景观。Liu Guoqiang in the works, he chose the image of clapping, and home through repetition. We paved the way for China's unique political landscape.

这些建筑或拔地而起,或开放铺陈,其恢宏壮观无不令世人叹为观止。These building or rise straight from the ground, or open to spread Chen, its generous grand view all sighs the people of this world for the view.