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以下是二十个拟声词。Here are twenty common onomatopoeias.

你认为拟声词是形式和意义之间的非任意的联结吗?Some say that is the process of making the sound onomatopoeia.

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在英汉两种语言里,拟声词都有着极其丰富的内容。There are plenty of onomatopoeias in both English and Chinese.

节日到来时,人们会相互泼水。联想记忆源自拟声词,泼溅声。People are going to splash water over each other when the festival comes.

拟声词是发音像它们所代表的意思的词。Imitative words are words that sound like the thing or action they stand for.

拟声词和拟态词是日语词汇的突出特征。Onomatopoeia and mimetic words are a striking feature of Japanese vocabulary.

通过漫画这一媒体,拟声词拟态词的特征得到了更好的发挥。By the media of comics, the characteristics of onomatopoeia have been better to play.

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汉日拟声词整体上句法功能较强。Onomatopoeia words in Chinese and Japanese have rich syntactic functions on the whole.

模仿声音的词汇叫做拟声词。以下是二十个拟声词。Words that imitate sounds are called onomatopoeic words. Here are twenty common onomatopoeias.

汉语和日语是其中较具代表性的有着丰富拟声词的语言。Chinese and Japanese are representative languages with abundant use of onomatopoeia among them.

你认为拟声词是形式和意义之间的非任意的联结吗?Do you think that onomatopoeia indicates a non-arbitrary relationship between form and meaning?

实际上,欧扣波这个词是个拟声词,象征穿着它走路时发出的声音。In fact, the word Okobo is an onomatopoeia, that is it represents the sound of walking in them.

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模仿声音的词汇叫做拟声词。以下是二十个拟声词。OinkWords that imitate sounds are called onomatopoeic words. Here are twenty common onomatopoeias.

状态标记“叫”是吴方言中后附于拟声词,使拟声词具有状态词语法功能的一个虚词。Jiao in Wu dialect is a functional word as a marker of state description attached to onomatopoeias.

本文论述了日语中的拟声词和拟态词的来源和用法。The essay is about the onomatopoeic words and mimicry words in Japanese, discuses their use and origin.

汉语拟声词的词类归属及语法地位,至今还是一个见仁见智的大问题。Up to now, the parts of speech and grammatical function of Chinese onomatopoetic words remain controversial.

拟声词是现代汉语词类中比较特殊的一类,它摹拟人或自然界的声音,和这些声音具有一定的象似性。Onomatopoeia, a special kind of modern Chinese words, imitate sounds of nature or human with proximity iconicity.

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拟声词是以特定的韵律结构直接摹画现实世界的声音,能使语言更加形象、生动。Onomatopoeia can intimate the sound of the real world directly in a special prosody. It can make the language more vivid.

本文对比以上差异,并探讨英、汉拟声词在翻译中的转换问题。This thesis contrasts the above differences, and discusses the problem that transforms the imitative words in translation.

分析闽中、闽北方言分音词的特征,分名词、动词、形容词、量词、拟声词和扩展形式六类列出分音词词表。This paper analyzes the characteristic of the Sound-divided-words in the Central Min Dialects and the Northern Min Dialects.