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让我们把他们碾得粉碎。Let's crush them.

我会把你砍得粉碎!I'll cut you to pieces!

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花瓶跌个粉碎。The vase fell in pieces.

教堂的窗户粉碎了。The church windows shatter.

他把一条旧被子撕得粉碎。He picked apart an old quilt.

我们将粉碎任何侵略。We will smash any aggression.

现在我们正在这样粉碎。N-now we're getting so smashed.

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虚空粉碎,大地平沉。Sky pulverizes and earth collapse.

炸弹把我们的大楼炸得粉碎。The bomb disintegrated our building.

茶壶掉下来摔得粉碎。The teapot fell with an awful smash.

他把碗跌在岩石上摔得粉碎。He dashed the bowl to bits on a rock.

她把信撕得粉碎。She tore the letter into tiny pieces.

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诡计被警察粉碎了。The dodge was coppered by the police.

那张广告画已被撕得粉碎。The poster had been ripped to pieces.

他对著石块把玻璃碗砸得粉碎。He dash the glass bowl to bit on a rock.

他在抢夺镜子时,把它打得粉碎。The mirror shattered when he robbed it.

适用于苜蓿草的粗粉碎。Applicable to coarse grinding of alfalfa.

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盛怒力之下,他把那信扯得粉碎。In a rage he tore the letter into pieces.

它可以一下就粉碎一块巨石。It can pulverize a boulder in one strike.

她把信撕得粉碎,然后扔了出去。She tore up his letter and threw it away.