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林赛·罗韩出入改造中心好几次了。Lindsay Lohan's in and out of rehab.

监视他的出入。They watched his comings and goings.

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骑自行车出入请下车。Cyclists please dismount at the gate.

这要塞没设任何出入的门禁。No doors there are to this stronghold.

该国政府禁止敌船出入其港口。The government embargoes the enemy ships.

时,他经常出入慕尼黑一家露天啤酒屋。He can often be found in a Munich beer garden.

她喜欢读书,时常出入图书馆。She's fond of books, and frequents the library.

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出入大门时,为那个住楼上的妇女挡一会门。Hold the door for the woman who lives above you.

登车时间或会因交通情况而有出入。Pick-up times may vary due to traffic conditions.

克力斯说所衣索比亚与他们想像的大有出入。Chris says Ethiopia's not quite how they imagined.

同时,背部也不应该对着门户的出入口。Also, your back should not face the doorway either.

摩里索和德加在同一个社交圈出入。Morisot and Degas moved in the same social circles.

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你感觉到气流从鼻孔出入吗?Do you feel the airflow going through your nostrils?

请稍等,请核对契证上是否有出入?Is there any discrepancy in the title deed of house?

现款跟账上的数目没有出入。Cash on hand tallies with the figure in the accounts.

中国的居民消费支出数据统计有出入,这人所共知。China's consumer-spending data are notoriously murky.

氧气和二氧化碳也会经由气孔出入。Oxygen and carbon dioxide also pass through the stomata.

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应提供安全的工作场地和安全的出入口。Provide a safe place of work and safe entrance and exit.

这件事的两种说法有很大出入。Mass-produced downscale versions of high-priced fashions.

上海出入于淮海路公寓楼里的男女。Men and women go in and out flat building on Huaihai Road.