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上面写着"律动你的房间"It said "Pump Up Your Room."

发电机的节奏是恶梦的律动。The rhythm of the dynamos is the pulse of nightmare.

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到时候,所有物种将加入这大自然的律动中。In time, all humans will join this rhythm with nature.

脉络间蕴藏着如绿色精灵般闪亮的律动。Inter-thread contains wizard such as green as bright rhythm.

这真的是一种律动,很像人类的脉搏It's really just a pulse. It's very much like the human pulse.

该游戏控制台正由北京联合律动科技有限公司研发。The console is being developed by Beijing eedoo Technology Ltd.

他的灵魂从物质的牵绊中释放出来,随着万物的节奏律动。Freed from the fetters of matter, his spirit moves in the rhythm of things.

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从某种程度上我觉得我真的被律动了,然后我的手机响了I'm feeling very pumped up at that particular point and my cell phone rings.

弄蛇人往往会用音乐或身体律动来控制蛇。Snake charmers usually use either music or body movements to control snakes.

怎样把握生命的律动、心绪的变绎,这便是艺术家的使命。How to grasp the life rhythm, mood changing that is the mission of an artist.

一种理想化的归属感、一种与他人律动渴望,这些情感躲避着自己。An ideal sense of belonging, of attuning with others and ourselves, eludes us.

思想和生命两种力量维持着生命和意识的律动。The two forces of mind and prana maintain the rhythm of life and consciousness.

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全一之语是如何将所有音调融合成一个单一的音符,声调和律动的呢?How does the Language of ONE unite tones into a single note, sound and movement?

体态律动对古筝演奏及教学有着重要作用。Body rhythm plays an important role in Zither performance, learning and teaching.

农业生产者必须得了解地球,并按照它的律动节奏工作。The agriculturist must know the earth and work with it, according to its rhythms.

身体的律动脱胎出诗歌,并且捋顺他的节奏。The movement of the body releases a poem and then confirms its rhythmic identity.

如今我知道自己就是那苍穹,一切生命都是节奏分明的碎片,在我内心律动。Now I know that Iam the sphere, and all life in mythmic fragments moves within me.

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这时候,也许只有放弃思考,去感觉母体的律动才是真实可信的吧!Perhaps only the sense of maternal rhythm is true and believable, but not the thought!

期待猴年的你像这律动的音乐,凑出生活美好乐章。Look forward to the year of the monkey you like the rhythm of the music, make a better life.

节奏是无处不在的律动,比如说摇摆、呼吸甚至包括水面的涟漪。Rhythm is a catch-all-word, pulse, vibration, breathing, even ripples on the water's surface.