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等到你人老珠黄时,谁还会在你身边。Wait until you old, who will be by your side.

人老珠黄,没有什么可以医治的。Men grow old, pearls grow yellow, there is no cure for it.

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一张再好看的脸都会人老珠黄,但是一颗美好的心如同日月,光辉不休。A fair face will wither, but a good heart is the sun and the moon!

绝不屈从旧时代,直到地老天荒,而我还没人老珠黄呢!I will never give in to old age until I become old. And I'm not old yet!

做牛做马,人老珠黄时,还是被重男轻女的姥爷抛弃。Do cattle and horses, when you become old, or has been abandoned patriarchal grandfather.

是啊,咱家对门那个人老珠黄的王妩媚,一件纯羊绒三件套,一万五,穿上后确实阔气了许多。Yeah, we on the aging King charming, a piece of pure cashmere three set, fifteen thousand, is rich in many.

他们只喜欢漂亮女人,可是当那些她们人老珠黄时,富人就会抛弃她们而去找更年轻漂亮的女孩。They only want arm candy and then they throw their women away when they get old just to get younger arm candy.

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有很多女性咋被认为已经人老珠黄之后还能泡上年轻的小伙子,还能在她们的行业里面独领风骚。There are lots of people who can hang with the young kids who are considered "in their prime" and come out on top.

“那帮宫老爷都是敬神的先生,可惜慈悲心太重陛——这可是真事,”第三个人老珠黄的婆娘补充说。"The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch-that is a truth," added a third autumnal matron.

“那帮宫老爷都是敬神的先生,可惜慈悲心太重陛——这可是真事,”第三个人老珠黄的婆娘补充说。"The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch-that is a truth, " added a third autumnal matron.

“那帮官老爷都是敬神的先生,可惜慈悲心太重——这可是真事,”第三个人老珠黄的婆娘补充说。"The magistrates are God-fearing gentlemen, but merciful overmuch--that is a truth, " added a third autumnal matron.

前巴萨球星在里皮时期是主力的不二选择,但是岁月不饶人,普兰德利看不上这位人老珠黄的边后卫。The former Barcelona man was a regular for Marcello Lippi's side but age has taken its tally and Zambro lost his place in Cesare Prandelli's Azzurri.