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他钻营谋求加薪。He bucked for a raise.

谋求持久的不均衡。Seek persistent disequilibrium.

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我们不能谋求对他们进行干扰。And we would not seek to disturb that.

特罗伊利用自己的地位谋求个人利益。Troy uses his position for personal gain.

弄权,利用某人的高级职位谋求利益。To use one's superior rank to gain an advantage.

要善尽职责,为全人类谋求福祉。To do my duty, for the good of mankind in general.

这位歌手总是在谋求赞美声。The singer is always feeling after words of praise.

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他在职业介绍所登了记,以谋求一个教师的职位。He enrolled with an employment agency for a teaching.

我们要努力谋求和平,但不代表和平主义。We are to try for peace. This does not mean pacifism.

这正是这个服务一直谋求的事情。And this is something the service has been angling for.

他在周一宣布不会谋求在2012年获得连任。He announced Monday he wouldn't seek re-election in 2012.

他不自量力想谋求经理职位,但没成功。He overreached himself in trying to get the manager's job.

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后发国家参与全球化进程的价值本位在于谋求自主发展。The value of such involvement is to seek self-development.

我们不谋求建立基地,也不希望控制这些国家。We seek no bases, nor do we want to control these nations.

该座神庙在建造好以后几个世纪,由人为了谋求名声而把它放火烧毁。It was set ablaze a few centuries later by a man seeking fame.

布朗先生正在当地的大学谋求一份教书工作。Mr. Brown is seeking a teaching position at the local collage.

布朗先生正在当地的大学谋求一份教书工作。Mr. Brown is seeking a teaching position at the local college.

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他肯定会谋求另外的手段来满足他那不可告人的感情。He will doubtless seek other means of satiating his dark passion.

如今,李彦宏正谋求带领百度上演一场“变形记”。Now, Li is leading the search for Baidu put on a " Metamorphosis ."

五个国家资金谋求个人的储税根据不同的情况。Five state funds have sought to own TRCs under varying circumstances.