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这个问题先撇开不谈。Put aside this question for a moment.

但话说回来,撇开这些细节不谈。But again, just put those details aside.

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他们上周就把那个问题撇开不管了。They waived that problem aside last week.

更少的软件意味着撇开水晶球。Less software means you put away the crystal ball.

你可以先撇开经济争论,征税等问题不谈。You can say put aside the economic debates, taxation.

此类欲望是否能得到满足,我们暂且撇开不谈。Whether or not those desires can be satisfied is set aside.

撇开那些理由,着重看你的第一反应。If you take away the considerations that the reaction stays.

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如果撇开政治的影响,这可以使个双赢的局面。If politics is taken out of the picture, the situation is win-win.

威廉王已经撇开了病榻,恢复了正常的生活。King William had thrown off his illness, and returned to his normal life.

撇开别的不说,单就这个原因,我们也应该严肃对待教皇的这一指喻。For this reason, if for no other, we should take this papal bull seriously.

撇开安全方面的考虑,室温鸡蛋做起来会更好吃。Safety concerns aside, room-temperature eggs perform better in the kitchen.

法官必须公平地,甚至撇开个人恶好去判决。Judges should be impartial, sometimes even desensitised, to give a sentence.

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姑且撇开纳税人所负担的成本不谈,这里面还颇有蹊跷。The likely cost to taxpayers aside, there’s something strange going on here.

撇开墨西哥湾,漏油对蓝鳍金枪鱼而言有潜在的显著影响。Out in the Gulf itself, the impact on bluefin tuna is potentially significant.

撇开利益不说,ngau说,这个项目对中国来说是通向伟大复兴的一种方式。Aside from profit, Ngau says, the project is a means to a greater end for China.

在新英格兰,撇开波士顿人的圈子不论。In New England, if we except a circle of Bostonians, this has been especially true.

撇开文字,俊仅仅用寥寥几笔来表达他的思想、心灵和爱情。Instead of writing, Tuan expressed his thoughts, mind and love just by a few strokes.

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一是为撇开社民党,另建一个联盟做准备。One is to prepare the ground for a different coalition, without the Social Democrats.

撇开他那永无休止的流浪欲望,Roellinger依然能在他自己的后院里找到天堂。Despite his insatiable wanderlust, Roellinger still finds paradise in his own backyard.

如果把理论撇开,这两类注入的功能实际没有区别。Theory aside, functionally there is no difference between these two styles of injection.