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我可以通过改错改善学习。I can learn from my mistakes.

你知道怎么改错吗?Do you know how to correct the mistakes?

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语言面面学习中如面面何改错?。How to Correct Mistakes in Language Learning ?

老师为什么要鼓励学生自己改错呢?Why should teachers encourage self-correction?

言语学习中怎样改错?。Passage 15 How to Correct Mistakes in Language Learning?

既然每个人一生中都难免犯错误,老扳就给了她一个改错的机会。Since everybody makes mistakes in life, the boss gave her a chance.

第二,12篇综合改错全做的学生偏少。Secondly, the number of sample subjects doing all those 12 ECs is too small.

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因此,我让她把那三个单词记在改错本上。So I asked her to write down those three words in her correctional notebook.

我现在在学中文,想把我学的放到这儿。欢迎大家帮我改错。I am learning Chinese and want to put my work online, You are welcome to correct any mistakes.

亲爱的朋友,人生苦短,你没有太多的时间去改错,去折腾。The dear friends, life is short, you do not have the too much time to change wrong, tosses about.

图1中的y轴通常用来表示在开发周期的后期发现错误后需要花费的改错成本。The vertical axis in Figure 1 usually depicts the cost of finding defects late in the development cycle.

上述发现对综合改错的完善和英语教学与研究有一定的启示。The above mentioned findings provide implications for English learning, English teaching and language testing.

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不过我被老师改错了一题,本是79现在加2分81。老师不加没办法我还是79。I think my science exam Jingmei eighty one, but I was a teacher mistakes in question, this is now 2 points 81 79.

并且越快越好,一旦发现出错了,要对可能造成影响的上司马上汇报情况,并且要有改错的意识。It is imperative that you act quickly—as soon as you realize your error, talk to your boss or whomever will it will effect.

本文利用定量和定性研究方法研究了成段改错试题测试了考生的什么语言能力。The present study investigated quantitatively and qualitatively what kind of language abilities a proofreading test could test.

老师在台上讲题,底下传来改错的沙沙声,我的手也在动,可脑子里却是不尽的悲哀。Topic teacher on the stage, came under the rustling of error correction, my hands are moving, can not the brain is actually sad.

基于语料库方法的高考短文改错的真实性研究本文旨在用语料库的方法来研究高考短文改错的真实性。This study is intended to contribute some empirical evidence to the authenticity on proofreading of NMET by the corpus-based approach.

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尽管经过百年多的努力,它仍未能解决,而且新香料的分子结构设计和合成依然主要地依靠试验和改错的方法。Despite over more than one century of effort, it remains unsolved, and synthesis of new odorants still proceeds largely by trial and error.

看起来似乎是,少部分人在写文章,而使用频率更低的用户承担了改错和校对的任务。A small number of people are writing the articles, it seems, while less-frequent users are given the tasks of error correction and typo fixing.

我的班上有50多个学生,在口语活动中,我没有时间一个一个给他们改错。怎么解决这个问题呢?I have more than 50 students in my class. I don't have time to correct them individually during speaking activities. How can I deal with this problem?