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还说他作恶多端,狮子王也没办法。He also said that the Lion King live, no way.

男巫对作恶多端的国王念咒法。The wizard uttered a spell against the wicked king.

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他们祈求老天爷惩罚那些作恶多端的人。They called down punishment on the people for their evil ways.

作恶多端的歹徒终于被押上了审判台。The scoundrel who had done all kinds of evil was finally brought to trial.

是否那些没有公德心的科学家们最终会掌握这种技术,并用它作恶多端么?Will rogue scientists eventually learn how to use the same techniques for evil?

此后,犹大王约沙法特与作恶多端的以色列王阿哈齐雅联盟。After this, King Jehoshaphat of Judah allied himself with King Ahaziah of Israel, who did evil.

这世界不会被那些作恶多端的人毁灭,而是冷眼旁观、选择保持缄默的人。This world is not the perpetrators to destroy, but sit on the sidelines, people choose to remain silent.

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你作恶多端,暴虐残酷,自然要因这不义的行径而日夜痛苦。You are day and night oppressed with the sin of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed.

您整日闷闷不乐是因为您惨无人道,作恶多端。You are day and night oppressed with the sting of iniquity for the crimes and wanton cruelties you have committed.

我在过去的日子里,作恶多端,但是我永远想不到像你这样的小女孩子,竟会溶化了我,结束我的恶行为。I have been wicked in my day, but I never thought a little girl like you would ever be able to melt me and end my wicked deeds.

在这里,小黑龙发现白龙在这里作恶多端,于是善良的黑龙决定帮助村民摆,白龙。He found the white dragon made mang disaters here. The kind black dragon decided to help villagers to get rid of the white dragon.

萨达姆的落网对建立一个自由的伊拉克至关重要,这标志着萨达姆本人以及那些在他的名义下作恶多端、疯狂杀戮的人已经走到了尽头。The capture of this man was crucial to the rise of a free Iraq. It marks the end of the road for him, and for all who bullied and killed in his name.

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即便不这样,现如今国际恐怖主义作恶多端、手段繁多,对民主世界为害深重已广为人知。But even if that were not so, the world now knows the full evil and capability of international terrorism which menaces the whole of the democratic world.

他不能够瞭解为什麽上帝会选择藉著野蛮又作恶多端的迦勒底人来处罚及纠正以色列人。He could not understand why did God choose the savage, infinitely more wicked Chaldeans as his instrument to punish the Israelites and right the wrongs of his people?

你的免疫系统怎样才能识别,作恶多端的病毒呢,如果它隐藏在细胞中进行繁殖,而抗体又无法进入细胞,那该怎么办How is your immune system going to recognize that this virus is there causing bad results if it's living inside of a cell and doing all its business inside a cell where antibodies can't get to it?