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这显然是顺理成章的。This is undoubtedly logical.

顺理成章,灵魂无法被分裂。It would follow,then,that souls can't split.

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当你置身其中,好像一切都顺理成章And when you're in it, it sort of all makes sense.

当然迪克,你还需要点时间平复这一切,他说事情就这样顺理成章的发生了。Of course it will take a while, Dick, he said. It did.

顺理成章地,两颗年轻又孤寂的心走到了一起。A matter of course, two young and lonely hearts together.

在豪雨天里你搭公车是顺理成章的事。It stands to reason that you take the Bus in this heavy rain.

将理论应用于实践,人类就能顺理成章地进行飞跃。By applying rationalism to experience, humans can make logical leaps.

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陈德霖的经验使他成为任志刚顺理成章的接班候选人。Mr. Chan's experience makes him a natural candidate to succeed Mr. Yam.

更多额外的娱乐景观能在规模上使一个漫长的游玩变得顺理成章。Extra attractions help to provide the scale to justify a lengthier stay.

拿上夹克走人现在变得顺理成章了,可是门上有几个螺丝?The jacket would be easy now. But how many bolts were there on the door?

帕特里克表示,韦斯科金融公司一直都由伯克希尔哈撒韦控股,这次交易顺理成章。"It ties up a loose end that's always been there at Berkshire," Kilpatrick said.

又能看到从一句话顺理成章进入下一句话的文字,这感觉真是太美妙了!How wonderful it was when one sentence followed logically from the sentence before!

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这里也有大片的常青树木,它也顺理成章地被冠以“常青州”之名。It also has lots of evergreen trees, so, not surprisingly, it is the Evergreen State.

不像外国影视广告中的故事,很自然,很流畅,有顺理成章的逻辑关系。The story in the advertisement in China is neither mild nor smooth, but has some false.

保罗似乎又在重复,可以顺理成章受到指责的言论。Paul again seems to be echoing something that could be a very logical charge against him.

正因如此,当孩子听到宗教里关于神的总总说法会觉都得顺理成章。Because of this, when children hear the claims of religion they seem to make perfect sense.

作为一名穆斯林,他深诣中东历史,能讲六种阿拉伯方言,顺理成章地做了中情局在阿尔及尔的负责人。Steeped in Middle Eastern history, he is a convert to Islam who speaks six Arabic dialects.

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我想说的是,简单的解释为,我不认为可以顺理成章得出结论What I want to say is, the short answer for now is, I don't think it follows automatically.

出身于闺阁教养中的她,依循传统规范顺理成章地为人妇为人母。Born in the boudoir of her upbringing, to follow traditional norms be a wife and motherhood.

因此,1970年代后期,当他掌握权力时,邓顺理成章的把经济放在首位。When he came to power in the late 1970s, Deng correspondingly decided to put economics first.