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通惠精神,扎根通惠,生生不息。Tonghui Spirit roots and grows endlessly.

但若青春能永驻,爱生生不息。But could youth last, and love still breed.

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滋润、滋养、使我们生生不息。Moisture, nourishment, so we have endlessness.

每个你我,都是一颗星星,在新浪的天空里生生不息。Each of us is a star shines in the sky of Sina.

大自然为了使人类生生不息而设的圈套。Nature's way of tricking people into reproducing.

元展开为德性与生生不息。Yuan is unfolded as virtues and ceaseless producing.

这个场馆描述了泰国的历史故事,他们最初傍水而居,生生不息,逐渐繁荣发展起来。It portrays the story of Thais, who prospered waterside.

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幸福在行动和成就感中生生不息。去追求吧!Happiness thrives in activity and accomplishment. Go for it!

吾爱吾师、爱真理、尤爱生生不息。I love my teacher, truth, and especially endless development.

从古到今,生生不息,千年的融合。From ancient to present, grows continually, millennium fusion.

人类的思想生生不息、绵绵不绝,原因就在这里。That is why man have all kinds of thoughts everyday and everywhere.

生命决不只是存在,它是仍然存在,它是持续的生生不息。Life is never just being. It is a becoming, a relentless flowing on.

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阴山文化是在时代的发展中生生不息、创新发展的文化。Yinshan culture is the vitalizing culture developing with the times.

人类的生命力是生生不息、变动不居、渴望自由游戏的。The life-force of human beings is fluxional and is desiring freely play.

在印度遥远而与世隔绝的Chhattisgarh,部落生活仍生生不息。In remote, isolated Chhattisgarh, India’s tribal life continues to thrive.

生命的热焰犹如封闭在热力无法脱逃的炉膛之中,生生不息。The flames of life burn in a closed oven from which the heat cannot escape.

那里,几乎可以说曾经是天花和黑死病生生不息的污水坑。It was a kind of cesspit constantly seething with smallpox and bubonic plague.

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我们不知道它从何而来,只知道它拥有创造这个世界的能量,使万物生生不息,这就是我们族群的起源。We know not where it comes from. Only that it holds the power to create worlds.

世界上的一切,生生不息,循环往复,人的生命也是如此。Everything in the world, underbrush, recycle and so are the lives of the people.

如同泥土下掩盖着的生生不息的昙花种子倔强的成长着。The stubborn dirt like Epiphyllum seed life and growth in nature belies a growth.