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他日以继夜地辛苦工作。He worked by day and toiled by night.

它们扑通、扑通、扑通地跳着,日以继夜。They go tha-thump, tha-thump, tha-thump, day and night.

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但是我觉得日以继夜的守在电话前像是一个傻瓜…But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call.

吼,我听说建国大业正在日以继夜地拍呢。Hoo,I heard that the famous Jianguodaye is being shot day and night.

佛兰克,为你们工厂月要日以继夜地赶货?Frank, why does your factory have to work around the clock this month?

他也一直日以继夜地工作,他补充说,和巴希特是充满了谎言。He, too, has been working around the clock, he adds, and Bakhit is full of lies.

这日以继夜的示威运动生动地表达出台湾社会里深度的意见分歧。This round-the-clock demonstration dramatizes the deep divisions in Taiwan's society.

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更不必为了买一所房子而日以继夜的工作、或者是望房兴叹。Also do not have to buy a house and work round the clock, or hope that the Housing sigh.

我们日以继夜的工作,希望有一天通过自己的努力,实现自己的梦想。Day and night we make ourselves busy hoping that by working so hard, we could attain our dreams.

作为中国驻巴基斯坦第15任大使,我每天日以继夜地工作。As the 15th Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan, I worked around the clock for the bilateral relations.

500多名消防队员日以继夜的工作来控制火势,但是,火仍是越演越烈。More than 500 firefighters were working around the clock to contain the blaze, but it continued to grow.

你看,我已成为那些谨慎而理智生活的人们中的一员,日以继夜的重复着。You see, I have been one of those fellows who live prudently and sanely, hour after hour, day after day.

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同事们说,此后,41岁的凯勒曼日以继夜地工作,有时回家只是为了换换衣服。Mr. Kellermann, 41, began working nonstop, sometimes returning home only to change clothes, colleagues say.

试想一下,我们身边的本地人会顶着烈日、冒着寒风日以继夜得为这个城市修路、建房吗?Imagine that all of us locals will be under the scorching sun, risking the night for the city road, building?

让他们来瞧瞧这个曾经倒闭了,现在有很多工人日以继夜为世界发展新技术的工厂。Let them come to this once-shuttered factory that is now bustling with workers building new technologies for the world.

林薇急了,将参军以来一件件舍身忘死日以继夜的工作事情摆在罗天刚眼前。Linwei anxious, will join the army since a suicide forgotten dead things work day in and day out in front of Luo Tiangang.

到复活节为止的「圣周」期间,全西班牙日以继夜地进行上百个复活节游行,吸引上千观光客。Hundreds of Easter processions take place throughout Spain during Holy Week around the clock, drawing thousands of visitors.

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日以继夜,我们坚持执行我们的计划,现在凯洛社团已经将业务扩展到全世界。We persisted day in and day out, and this relentless execution of our plans has now allowed Kairos to expand around the world.

由于万氏兄弟们从小就喜欢昆虫,于是,日以继夜地设计昆虫的造型和背景。Because of Wan brothers from an early age like insects, a result, day and night to design the shapes of insects and background.

美国亚利桑那州沃露大火继续肆虐,美国联邦政府和地方政府都在日以继夜地抢险以控制火势蔓延。As the Wallow fire continues to rage in Arizona, federal, state, and municipal entities are working around the clock to contain it.