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我长了一颗青春豆!I've got a zit!

即使是那些青春少女?Even teenage girls?

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青春有张不老的脸。Youth is not old face.

我是个19岁的青春美少女。I'm a 19 year old girl.

青春归根到底是什么?What was youth at best?

一种看上去更运动和青春的样子?A Sporty & Youthful look?

生命是用来挥霍那未用完的青春。Life is a waste of youth.

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她善于保养她的青春。She keeps her youth well.

扭动青春,舞出高潮!Twist youth dance climax!

青春是生命中播种的季节。Youth is lifes seed-time.

她虚度了青春。She droned away her youth.

青春是一生中播种的时候。Youth is life's seed-time.

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不要虚度青春年华!Don't idle away your youth!

不要虚度青春岁月。Don't idle away your youth.

我又找回了失去的青春。I find my lost youth again.

二十岁青春已不会再至。Twenty will not comr again.

青春啊,我真他妈的青春!Ah youth, I Zhen Tama youth!

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珍惜青春年华!Do treasure your spring age.

为了你我青春虚度。For you, my youth is wasted.

逝去青春交于风。Youth fades into in the wind.