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李导游对此倒是一副外交辞令。Li was diplomatic.

这儿不用外交辞令,是真的很好听。No need for diplomacy, it really is very good.

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这是措辞在外交辞令,但用意是清楚的。This is couched in diplomatic language, but the intention is clear.

外交辞令方面很早就表明日本有再次侵略的野心。Official rhetoric has long claimed that Japan is bent on reconquest.

“我们管他叫煞风景的人,”她说,她是又一个不会外交辞令的阿拉斯加人。Another local was not so diplomatic. "We call it Pooping Man, " she said.

在公开的评论中,两位总统都以委婉的外交辞令谈到了这个问题。In their public comments, both men spoke of the issue in very diplomatic terms.

她同样也未用什么漂亮的外交辞令安慰我,而是发给我一饮食网站的链接!She did not say anything diplomatic either. She sent me the weblink to a diet website!

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以典型的外交辞令,中国外交部发言人已经表达了“关注”。In classic fashion, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman has already expressed "concern".

然而,这并不仅仅是例行的外交辞令,两国领导人似乎已经达成了高度的默契。It's not just rhetoric, however -- the two leaders seem to have developed a genuine rapport.

他到现在为止还没有打满过一场联赛比赛,他对此做出了外交辞令的回答。Since he has yet to complete a single league match, he diplomatically talked around the question.

结果将充斥外交辞令,但他们会同意,然后呈给外界看以示成功.It will be very diplomatic language, but they will agree and present it to the outside as success.

迄今为止,奥巴马对于这个问题还只是说些外交辞令,要求双方进行会谈。But Mr Obama, so far, has been much more diplomatic, urging only dialogue between the two tetchy neighbours.

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外交辞令有其不同于一般语言的独特之处,其显著特征就是讲究策略和礼貌。However, different from the ordinary language, diplomatic language has its unique characteristics as a tactful and polite language.

可能很多人对此表示怀疑,但是当这些关系用冷静,严肃地外交辞令阐述时,则是一个完全不一样的问题。This may have been suspected by many, but it is an entirely different matter to see these relations spelled out in the cool, precise prose of a diplomatic record.

运用格赖斯会话含意理论诠释其外交辞令,可以帮助我们更好地领悟到我国古文化的智慧与精深。Applying the theory in Grice's conversation to explain its diplomatic appropriate can help us comprehend the wisdom and profundity of our country's ancient culture.

在外交辞令的记录整理方面,成就尤为突出,充分展示了这部历史散文著作的艺术魅力。It has achieved great success in recording and sorting out diplomatic language, and this has fully demonstrated the artistic charm of this history of prose writings.

同布什任期的对话一样,本次会谈的主要议程是推动经济的“平衡及可持续”增长----这不过是一个外交辞令,以掩盖为了一堆毫无意义的贸易统计数字的更多争执。The main agenda item, as during the Bush years, is to push for “balanced and sustainable” economic growth—diplomatic code for more wrangling over meaningless trade statistics.

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就连英国政府官员都警告存在多外交辞令、少实质内容的风险,虽然他们坚称下周峰会仅是全球经济漫漫复苏长路中的一小步.Even ministers in Brown's government, while insisting next week's summit is only one stop on a long road to global recovery, warn of the risks of rhetoric overriding substance.

本月中国和日本政府似乎努力在缓和外交辞令并修补关系,但周末的抗议活动凸显了两国小部分人群中民族主义仍在高涨。Beijing and Tokyo appeared this month to soften diplomatic rhetoric and mend ties, but the weekend protests underscore deep strains of nationalism among factions in each country.

今天,欧盟放弃外交辞令,向工业化国家发出直率的挑战——为发展中国家提供应对气候变化所需的现金。The EU set aside diplomatic language and issued a bare-boned challenge to industrialised countries to come up with the cash developing countries need to deal with climate change today.