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她老是精神恍惚地想念那小子。She was always mooning over that bloke.

她精神恍惚地听着他的话语。Her mind only vaguely grasped what he was saying.

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她悲痛得精神恍惚,怎么安慰也没用。She was distracted with grief and refused to be solaced.

她好象精神恍惚,没认出我来。Her mind seemed to be wandering, and she didn't recognize me.

那一段日子,于天枫心情烦乱,精神恍惚。That period of time, the mood in the days maple Fanluan, trance.

我只知道我可不想浪费生命,不想像她那样整天精神恍惚。All I know is that I don't want to waste my life getting high like she did.

头昏,头晕,心情烦躁,见人心慌,精神恍惚,无力。Dizziness, dizziness, feelings of irritability, to see people flustered, trance, unable to.

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这些天来他似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他谈谈。He seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him.

约翰这些天来似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他谈谈。John seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him.

兴奋剂事件发生后,王静终日精神恍惚,坚称自己是被陷害的。The sprinter, who claimed she was framed, had been in a trance every day after failing the drug test.

椋鸟看似精神恍惚,因此它们的举动像没人追赶一样。It seemed as if the starlings had been hypnotised because they acted as if they were not being chased.

小满精神恍惚,更在剪菜时受伤,司马丑以变戏法安慰她。Grain full spirit trance, more were injured while trying to cut food, syma ugly to conjure to comfort her.

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偶尔,当新娘探身对他说话时,他甚至有点心不在焉和精神恍惚。Occasionally he was even rat her absentminded and faraway when t he bride leaned forward and addressed him.

在幽闭的潜艇内部,船长和他的船员都由于压力导致“精神恍惚”。In pent-up submarine interior, captain and his sailor is brought about as a result of pressure " absentminded ".

正像老年人常有的情形,库图作夫精神恍惚地向四周张望,好象忘了他要说什么或者要做什么似的。And Kutuzov began, as old people often do, gazing abstractedly about him, as though forgetting all he had to say or do.

从此她经常在梦境里见到一个孩子叫她妈妈,这让她惊恐异常,导致精神恍惚。From now on she often sees in dream a child calls her mom, this makes her terrified and unusual, bring about absentminded.

请问失眠多梦,精神恍惚,少年白头,除了吃安眠药外还有什么药可以调理一下吗?Insomnia is excuse me much dream, absentminded , boy old age, what medicine still can be recuperated besides taking sleeping pill?

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那仅仅是他有时精神恍惚的一个正常反映。It merely is a reflection of his sometimes spaced-out mentality toward life. He likes to be in the clouds, so let him take you there.

他尽己所能地等待着,就在他准备重新掌控飞行时,丽贝卡结束了她那恐惧所致的精神恍惚。He waited until the last moment he could, and was just about to take over again, when Rebecca snapped out of her fear-induced trance⑦.

在家里,经过一段精神恍惚的时期,他渐渐下地干活了,有时在他家附近的小山上长时间地散步。For a while he lay in a kind of stupor around the house. Then he began to work in the fields and take long walks in the hills about his home.