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但约瑟芬姨母来援救他了。But Aunt Josephine came to his rescue.

援救人员把他救了下来,去掉了钓鱼线。Rescue workers removed the fishing line.

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许多组织正在援救他们。Sergi Many organizations are helping out.

为了援救这座被围的城市派去了更多的部队。More troops were sent to relieve the besieged city.

军队来援救被围的守备军。The troops came to the relief of the besieged garrison.

受伤的司机四下张望寻求援救,但附近无一人。The wounded driver looked round for help,but no one was by.

他们被援救的直升机从大火中解救了出来。They were succoured from the fire by the rescue helicopter.

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幸获父亲援救,他们才得以安然回家。Thanks to their father's rescue, they could return home safe.

帮助他援救他的子孙和领引他们回到安全。Help him to rescue his offspring and lead them back to safety.

如果庞大的金融援救计划仍挽救不了银行,将会发生什么样的事情呢?What happens if the enormous financial bailouts break the bank?

但是在救出雷克蒂娜之后,他还想要援救他的朋友庞培。But after rescuing Rectina he wanted to rescue his friend Pompy.

援救者拼命地干想把那人从撞坏的汽车中解救出来。The rescuers worked like hell to free the man from the wrecked car.

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我们将援救伊拉克教练安全盘队和起色经济。We will help Iraq train its security forces and develop its economy.

那一次的成功引出了当年第二次的政府援救。That success led to a second government-orchestrated rescue that year.

若未受伤,随时准备协助救难人员提供资讯或出力援救。If uninjured, be ready to assist rescue workers with information or labor.

现在,也许欧洲领导人会提出一个确实可信的援救计划。Now maybe European leaders will come up with a truly credible rescue plan.

急救组在搜索、援救方面是一把好手。The well-prepared EMERGENCY MINI-CON TEAM specializes in search and rescue.

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媒体报道了34起地震中有18起在2天后还有成功的援救。Media reports describe rescues occurring beyond Day 2 in 18 of 34 earthquakes.

在新卡布里卡的援救行动中,谁领导沙伦·阿格森的陆战护卫队?。Who led Sharon Agathon's Marine escort during the New Caprica rescue operation?

赛拉姆。伊斯马尔医生上月到费卢杰进行援救工作,下面是他的报告。Doctor Salam Ismael took aid to Fallujah last month. This is a report of his visit.