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他是有勇无谋。He is more wise than brave.

有一天,这位有勇无谋的绅士产生了一个非常古怪的念头。One day, this witless gentleman got a rather strange idea.

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所以对于有勇无谋的人,只能让他们做帮手,而绝不能当领袖。So, for the foolhardy person, only so that they do help, but never a leader.

有勇无谋的扎林甚至厚脸皮到了反击帝国的地步。The foolhardy Zaarin even had the audacity to strike against the Emperor himself.

他表现出在战争中近乎有勇无谋的勇敢和喜欢冒险和危险的性格。He showed himself courageous even foolhardy under fire, and a great love of adventure and danger.

众所周知,地道曾经吞噬了这些有勇无谋的探险者,却从来没有吐出来过。It has been known for the tunnels to swallow these foolhardy explorers and never to spit them out.

只有有勇无谋的傻瓜才相信中国在未来几十年不会沿着同样的轨迹发展。Only a foolhardy man would bet against China's following the same trajectory in the decades ahead.

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对于某些投资者和华尔街分析师而言,雅虎拒绝微软的收购看上去有勇无谋。Yahoo's resistance to a takeover by Microsoft looks foolhardy to some investors and Wall Street analysts.

一些投资者和华尔街分析师认为,雅虎拒绝微软收购是一种有勇无谋的行为。A few investor and wall street analyst think, yahoo rejects Microsoft to buy is a kind of foolhardy behavior.

任何有勇无谋的敌人胆敢派遣骑兵去冲击处于方阵中的这支部队都将发现他们的对手是块硬骨头。Any enemy foolhardy enough to charge their cavalry at this unit while they are in square will find them a tough target.

因为有勇无谋就会像古代的那些缺乏谋略的英雄,只能以失败告终。For if one has courage but no strategy, just like the hero who needs strategy in ancient times, only have a fail ending.

小布什听说中国要减持美元储备,自得地评价说,中国这么做,绝对是有勇无谋。Young Bush heard that China must reduce US dollar reserve, happily appraised, China such did, was the foolhardy absolutely.

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每年5月在英国,有勇无谋的男男女女俯冲、踉跄地摔下一座230米长的陡峭山坡——只为了一块奶酪!Every May in Britian, foolhardy men and women run, stumble and fall down a steep, 230-meter-long hill—and all for a piece of cheese!

以前如此的自信也许看起来有勇无谋,但在国际社会强有力的支持下,有勇无谋的印象越来越淡了。Such confidence may have seemed foolhardy before, but it becomes less so as foreign heavy hitters align themselves behind the rebels.

很独立,具有非常强有力的个性,你是人所共知的是冲动,粗心,鲁莽,有勇无谋,皮疹和大胆。Very independent, with an extremely strong and forceful personality, you are known for being impulsive, careless, reckless, foolhardy, rash and daring.

很高兴看到很多国家包括澳洲德国美国政府意识到把技术卖给中国是有勇无谋的行为。For now, I am glad that in many countries from Australia to Germany to US, governments knows that it is foolhardy to take Chinese money and sell away their tech know how.

他说他们有勇无谋,居然敢这样舍身就义,葬身兽腹也不怕,就像我们在伊格那丢的书信中看到的那样,让野兽来咬我。He just says they're foolhardy in being willing to throw themselves on a sword the way they do, and throw themselves to the beasts as we've seen Ignatius do in his letters, let the beasts come to me.