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不承担风险。Not risk taking.

你要学会承担风险。You learn to take risks.

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您能承担改型?Can you afford to remodel ?

父亲问我愿不愿意尝试着生火,我很高兴地承担了这项任务。I was glad to take the job.

她没有承担对我的许诺。She broke her promise to me.

爬得再高一些,承担一些风险。Climb highter, and take risks.

她很好地承担责任。She bears responsibility well.

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也就是说,没有人独自承担损失。That is, nobody suffers alone.

联邦局使我们所有人都习惯了承担风险。The Fed inured us all to risk.

将Holum承担后者?Would Holum take on the latter?

他不想承担义务。He's not looking for commitment.

共同签署承担一笔贷款是小事一桩Co-signing a loan is no big deal.

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他自己承担全部责任。He took all the blame to himself.

卟崾害怕往承担风险。Don tbe afraid to encounter risks.

我愿意拿部分的钱来承担稍高的风险。I am not willing to take more risk.

这个小车司机承担了所有的责任。The car driver bored all the blame.

他同意承担这出新戏的费用。He backed the costs of the new play.

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一句对不起,太沉重!我承担不起。Sorry, too heavy! I can't afford to.

顾客对破损承担法律责任。The customer is liable for breakages.

保释人需要承担风险。The bondsmen need to assume the risks.