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春季防流脑,荠菜煮粥好。Spring anti-ECM, a good shepherd's purse porridge.

近期是否接种过狂犬、流脑或其它疫苗?Have you been vaccinated against rabies, meningitis recently?

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采用ELISA法检测人群血清中的A和C群流脑抗体,并进行统计分析。ELISA assay was used for ECM group A and C antibodies detection in human serum.

流脑疫苗的免疫史对健康人群的带菌率无直接影响。The immunization history of healthy population had no direct impact on the carrier rate.

死亡的暴发型流脑3例死后立即行肝穿刺电镜检查。Liver puncture and electron microscopy were done immediately after death in 3 patients with fulminant form.

所有的症状,如痛苦、流鼻血、流脑液、呕吐等等,突然停止了。All the symptoms such as pain, violent nosebleeds , brain fluid leakage, vomiting, etc, had abruptly stopped.

并对流脑菌苗的效果和流脑流行指征进行了分析。The effect of epidemic meningitis vaccine and the epidemic indication of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis were analysed.

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如流感、伤寒、流脑等,也有报道疟疾、回归热等可引起玻璃体混浊。Like flu, typhoid fever, shed a head to wait, also reportorial malaria, relapsing fever waits can cause vitreous body muddy.

方法对26例暴发型流脑患儿的整个抢救配合过程进行分析总结。Methods Entire rescuing process of 26 children with fulminant epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis was analyzed and summarized.

本文应用圆形分布法对淄博市1971~1995年流脑疫情进行了分析。An Analysis on the data of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis from 1971 to 1995 in Zibo by using circle distribution was carried out.

结论目前临沂市人群流脑抗体水平较高,不具备A群流脑大规模暴发的条件,C群脑膜炎奈瑟菌引起流脑病例有增多趋势。Conclusion At present, the group have the higher level of antibodies, there is no conditions for large-scale outbreak of the disease.

随发病率升高流脑发病高峰日明显推迟,季节性增强,发病更趋集中。The peak date became to delay, season distribution became significant and case number was concentrated when the high morbidity appeared.

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本文用时间序列分析法建立了黑龙江省流脑预测模型。Using time series analysis methods, in this paper the prediction model of the epidemic encephalomyelitis in Heilongjiang Province were given.

流脑和乙脑疫苗纳入计划免疫后,规范化开展计划免疫工作的合理人均成本为276.11元。The ideal average costs for each EPI -targeted child would be ¥276.11 in case of bringing the meningitis and Japanese B Encephalitis vaccine into EPI.

应用因子分析理论,结合随州市8年来的流脑监测资料,对影响流脑流行的12个因素进行了研究。Based on a 8-year surveillance data, a factor analysis theory was used to analyze the 12 risk factors influencing the epidemicity of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis.

说明你如何消除流脑从最三菱汽车模型发现,细胞外基质的ECU电子控制模块控制模块辖下的传输。Shows you how to eliminate the model of the ECM "of" Mitsubishi cars and found that control of the ECM and " ECU " in the transfer of "electronic" control unit module.

结果流脑发病与性别、年龄、住地无关,但与经济收入,人口性质,疫苗接种史及免疫功能状况有关。Results Incidence of epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis related to economic income, vaccine history and immunologic function, but has no relationship with gender, age and residence.

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本文利用邓聚龙教授提出的灰色系统理论,采用权函数生成法,建立了大庆地区流脑疾病的预测模型。In this paper, a Daqing area epidemic encephalitis diseases forecasting model making use of grey system theory proposed by professor Deng Julong and method of weight function was built.

这两个国家合作并使用它们各自的力量,迅速研发并提供了一种具有性价比的疫苗,能够应对这场非洲流脑暴发。Working together and using their respective strengths, the two countries were able quickly to develop and supply a cost-effective vaccine, capable of combating the African meningitis outbreak.

结论采用颅内压控制下持续腰大池引流脑脊液治疗外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血疗效优于腰穿脑脊液置换术。Conclusion It is better to treat the traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage through lumbar subarachnoid continuous drainage under controlling intracranial pressure than CSF drainage by lumbar puncture.